
Laspal: description of the medicine and its use

Laspal is an anti-inflammatory agent, a derivative of salicylic acid, which is used to treat pain and fever. It is produced by the Sintelabo Group company in France and has the international name lysine acetylsalicylate.

The dosage form of Laspal is a powder, which is intended for oral administration and for the preparation of an injection solution. Powders are available for both children and adults.

Indications for use of Laspal include fever, pain (including rheumatic pain) and prevention of thrombosis. However, before using the medicine you must be careful and make sure that there are no contraindications to its use.

Contraindications to the use of Laspal include hypersensitivity to its components, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diseases accompanied by hemorrhagic syndrome, pregnancy in the third trimester.

When using Laspal, side effects may occur, such as dyspeptic symptoms and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal bleeding, hemorrhagic syndrome; tinnitus, hearing loss, headaches; allergic reactions (anaphylaxis, rash, bronchospasm, etc.).

It is also necessary to consider the interaction of Laspal with other medications. For example, it enhances the effect of methotrexate, oral hypoglycemic agents (sulfonylurea derivatives) and weakens uricosuric agents. When used simultaneously with direct and indirect anticoagulants, the risk of bleeding increases.

In case of Laspal overdose, symptoms such as tinnitus, hearing loss and severe headaches may occur. Treatment in this case consists of blood correction, for example, infusion of solutions of sodium bicarbonate, citrate, etc.

Despite the effectiveness of Laspal, special instructions must be taken into account when using it. It should be prescribed with caution in case of a history of gastroduodenal ulcers, renal failure, asthma, gout, menorrhagia, or the presence of an intrauterine contraceptive device.

In conclusion, Laspal is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that can be used for various pain and fever conditions. However, before using it, you must consult your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications. It is also necessary to follow dosage recommendations and not exceed the recommended dose to avoid possible side effects. If any negative symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor.