Lateral Column of the Spinal Cord

Lateral Column of the Spinal Cord: Anatomy and Functions

The lateral column of the spinal cord, also known as the columna lateralis or PNA/BNA/JNA, is one of the three columns that make up the white matter of the spinal cord. This column is located on the lateral surface of the spinal cord and plays an important role in transmitting sensory and motor information.

Anatomy of the lateral column of the spinal cord

The lateral column of the spinal cord consists of two lateral tracts called lateral columns. Each lateral column is divided into two divisions: posterior and anterior. The posterior division of the lateral column contains sensory neurons that transmit information about tactile, proprioceptive and thermal stimuli from the body to the brain. The anterior division of the lateral column, on the other hand, contains motor neurons that control muscle movement.

Functions of the lateral column of the spinal cord

The lateral column of the spinal cord plays an important role in transmitting information between the brain and body. Proprioceptive neurons in the posterior division of the lateral column transmit information about the position and movement of the limbs and body to the brain. This information is used to maintain balance and coordinate movements. Sensory neurons also convey information about tactile and thermal stimuli.

Motor neurons in the anterior division of the lateral column control muscle movement. These neurons send signals from the brain to the muscles, resulting in the contraction of muscle fibers and movement of the limbs and body.

In addition, the lateral column of the spinal cord also plays an important role in reflex activity. Reflexes are automatic movements that occur in response to certain stimuli. For example, when the skin of our body is exposed to an unpleasant stimulus, we react with a reflexive repulsion.


The lateral column of the spinal cord is one of the most important structures of the spinal cord. It plays an important role in the transmission of sensory and motor information, as well as in reflex activity. Understanding the anatomy and function of the lateral column of the spinal cord can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases related to the nervous system.

The lateral column of the spinal cord is one of the most important structures in the human body. It is located at the back of the spinal cord and plays an important role in regulating movement and sensation.

The lateral column of the spinal cord consists of two main sections: lateral and posterior. The lateral compartment contains fibers that are responsible for controlling the muscles located on one side of the body. The posterior section is responsible for transmitting information from the spinal cord to the brain and back.

One of the main functions of the lateral column of the spinal cord is to control movements. It controls the muscles that are involved in moving the body, such as the muscles of the legs, arms and neck. Thanks to this, a person can perform various movements such as walking, running, jumping, etc.

In addition, the lateral column of the spinal cord is also responsible for sensitivity. It transmits information about various sensations such as pain, temperature, pressure, etc. to the brain. This allows a person to be aware of their sensations and respond to them accordingly.

However, if the lateral column of the spinal cord is damaged, serious problems can arise. For example, a person may lose the ability to control movements on one side of the body, which can lead to serious consequences such as paralysis or loss of coordination.

In general, the lateral column of the spinal cord plays an important role in the functioning of the human body and its health. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of its condition and prevent damage.