Medical Collar

Therapeutic collar: an effective tool in the treatment of neck pain

A therapeutic collar is a medical device that is used to treat neck pain caused by muscle tension, osteochondrosis, injury and other causes. It may also be useful in treating other conditions related to the neck and spine.

The country of origin of the medical collar is China. This device is produced at the Jizhou plant. It belongs to the pharmaceutical group of medical devices and has the international name "Medical Collar".

The treatment collar consists of a soft material that is wrapped around the neck and secured with Velcro. It provides neck support and limits head movement, reducing stress on muscles and joints. This can reduce pain and improve blood flow in the neck area.

Therapeutic collar can be used as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with other methods such as physiotherapy and massage. It can be worn for several hours a day, depending on your doctor's recommendations.

Another advantage of the treatment collar is its ease of use. It does not require special skills or knowledge to put on and use correctly. However, before using it, you should consult your doctor to ensure its safety and effectiveness in your specific case.

Overall, a therapeutic collar is an effective tool in treating neck pain. It is easy to use and can help reduce pain and improve blood flow in the neck area. If you have neck problems, discuss using a therapeutic collar with your doctor.