Ribbon, Stripe (Taenia, Pl. Taeniae)


The ribbon is one of the fundamental concepts in anatomy. This is a flat tape whose length is much greater than its width. One example of such a band is the mesentery of the colon, which is sometimes called the taenic muscle. However, in addition to tissues that are ribbons, there are other anatomical

Ribbon, strip (Taenia) - some kind of flat ribbon anatomical structure, for example, the longitudinal runners of the muscles of the colon are named accordingly: transverse colon muscle (Musculus colicis transversalis), rectum (as part of the levator - Musculus levator ani), rectum (with starting from the uterus - Fascia pubo-rectalis) or in a muscle strip inside the uterus, shaped like a rim - Musculus Uterque (Uretha, translated as urinary canal or obturator tube - lat. male genital organ). The stripe or ribbon is also present in the male genital organs, inside the spermatic cord in Latin as part of spongiose rect