Leprosy I

What is undifferentiated leprosy

The diagnosis of **"undifferentiated** leprosy" (neoplastic leprosy) is made if the patient has hyperophia of the lymph node that produces tumor T-lymphocytes (thymus-dependent T-helper cells, macrophages), tumor metastases in the skin, hands, forearms, cervical regional lymph nodes and metastasis to the spleen, liver, lungs and brain. It is these lesions localized in the human body that are caused by the accumulation of thymus-independent T-killers (small cytolytic cells) in it - from its own monocytes (helpers) and dendritic cells, which develop irreversible and rapidly progressive changes typical of an undifferentiated process.

Long-term so-called tuberculous leukemia “permeates” the human body, as a result of which lepromatous uveal leukemia develops on any part of the body and in any organ. Mostly they are located on the skin, which leads to the development of **erythema nodosum**, subcutaneous tumor, exo