
Lieno is a name that resembles some other names and raises a natural question about its origin. In this case, this is the name of one of the main characters in Ron Hubbard’s novel “Absalom!”, written in the late fifties and translated into Russian in the early eighties. From the English original, some readers, and perhaps Hubbard himself, did not notice the presence of a small break in the name of the main character, named LIEN.

Let's try to figure it out: what does the name LIEN mean?

LONELY or FAITHFUL, OBEDIENT? To put it very briefly, it is so. Liena, the only person who has lived in Hong Kong and is very familiar with how everything works there, says that all people in this city are lonely until they become completely lonely. And in the last part she directly said that if you become completely lonely, then you are free. Be that as it may, Lien always understood herself more as a strange deity than as a person. And only in the final part of the novel does Liena finally stop looking for her admirer and wants to free herself from something that still keeps her from flying.