Foundry fever

Foundry fever: a problem you need to know

Foundry fever is a serious disease that occurs in workers involved in the processes of smelting, casting and welding metals. This is an occupational disease associated with inhalation of highly dispersed particles of metal oxides.

The symptoms of this disease are characterized by an acute attack of fever, which lasts several hours and ends with a critical decrease in body temperature. This attack may be accompanied by headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.

The cause of Foundry Fever is the inhalation of highly dispersed particles of metal oxides that are formed during the smelting, casting and welding of metals. Particles of these metals can be very small and easily enter the lungs through the respiratory tract. Long-term exposure to these particles can cause serious health problems, including lung disease and even cancer.

Fortunately, there are measures you can take to reduce your risk of contracting Foundry Fever. Workers involved in the smelting, casting and welding processes of metals must wear special masks to protect their respiratory tract from harmful particles.

It is also very important to monitor your general health and undergo regular medical examinations. If you suspect Fever, see your doctor as soon as possible to get the treatment you need and prevent serious complications from developing.

In conclusion, Foundry Fever is a serious disease that needs to be known and understood, especially for workers involved in the smelting, casting and welding processes of metals. Taking precautions and regular medical monitoring can help prevent the development of this disease and keep you healthy.

Foundry fever is an occupational disease that occurs as a result of inhalation of highly dispersed particles of metal oxides. It is characterized by an acute attack of fever that can last several hours.

Foundry fever occurs when working with metal that is heated to high temperatures. During the heating process, the metal begins to release highly dispersed oxide particles, which can enter the lungs of workers. These particles cause irritation in the airways and lungs, leading to inflammation and increased body temperature.

Attacks of foundry fever can be very severe and severe. They may be accompanied by headache, weakness, nausea and vomiting. Sometimes an attack can lead to a critical drop in body temperature, which can be life-threatening.

To prevent foundry fever, it is necessary to use special respiratory protection. Workers must be trained in safety procedures when working with hot materials and follow all safety precautions. It is also necessary to regularly check the health of workers and monitor the level of metal oxides in the air.