The Lindgart Phenomenon

Lindargart phenomenon (LPP) is a physiological phenomenon that consists of an increase in the level of gas exchange in the body immediately after the cessation of physical activity. This phenomenon was described by Swedish physiologist Carl Lindarg in 1910.

LFF occurs as a result of the fact that after the cessation of muscular work, an accumulation of lactic acid and other metabolic products occurs in the muscles, which can have a toxic effect on muscle tissue cells. As a result of this, a reflex increase in gas exchange occurs, which allows you to quickly remove these products from the body.

This phenomenon is of great importance for athletes and people involved in physical activity. It allows you to quickly restore oxygen levels in the blood and improve the functioning of the respiratory system. In addition, LFF can be used in medicine to diagnose various diseases associated with metabolic disorders in muscle tissue.

However, it should be noted that long-term and frequent use of LFF can lead to disruption of the respiratory system and a decrease in its effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to observe moderation and not abuse this phenomenon.

The physiological phenomenon of “Lindhart” is characterized by an increase in the intensity of gas exchange in the lungs immediately after the end of static physical work.

The occurrence of hyperpnea is caused by reflex mechanisms: in response to the cessation of the load, the organs' need for oxygen sharply increases, and the frequency and depth of breathing accordingly increases, which leads to a significant increase in the rate of gas exchange. Following hyperpnea, there is a gradual decrease in the volume of CO2 released, and, consequently, in the body’s metabolic need for it. This reduction in ventilation is possible due to the ability of the receptors of the respiratory center to adapt to changed environmental conditions. The intensity of adaptation reactions depends on the duration of the previous load, the state of blood circulation in the body and other factors. The phenomena of respiratory arrhythmia (bradypnosis) occurring at this time are caused by relative ischemia of some parts of the brain.

Optimization of the body is possible only with a combination of many factors: normalization of its working conditions, training in breathing self-control techniques, timely