Lysholm Screening Grid

The Lysholm screening grid is a device invented by Swedish radiologist Gottfried Lysholm in the 1910s. It is a mesh with parallel slots of a certain width, which is used to separate particles of given sizes from the mixture.

The principle of operation is based on the fact that particles smaller than the width of the slots pass through the grate, while larger ones are retained on its surface. In this way, mixtures of powders or suspensions can be separated into fractions.

Lysholm's invention has found wide application in various fields of industry and science - from the separation of ores and crushed materials to the isolation of cells and microparticles in biology and medicine. Lysholm screening grids remain one of the main and effective methods for fractionating dispersed systems to this day.

In medicine, there are several methods for diagnosing and treating various diseases, including visual and fluoroscopic diagnosis, as well as laboratory tests. One of the key components of medical diagnostics is visual diagnostics, which allows the doctor to determine the nature and size of pathologies, assess damage to tissues and organs, detect fluid accumulations, study the characteristics of blood flow and much more. One of the important tools in visual diagnostics is the screening grid of the English radiologist George James Liscolm.

E. Liscolm was born in 1871 in London. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of London and began his career at St Mary's Hospital in London, where he worked as a radiologist. In 1935 he moved to Norway, where he continued to work in several hospitals. Early in his career, Lisolka developed methods for imaging and classifying bone anomalies, and later continued to work on new methods in the fields of therapeutic radiology and medical imaging.

In 1923, Lysolm developed the original technology for producing x-ray images using x-rays, known as x-ray technology. This technology made it possible to obtain clear and detailed photographs of bones and soft tissues, which greatly facilitated the diagnosis of bones, joints and muscular systems. Unlike previous technologies, this technology provided more realistic images of the objects under study, facilitating data interpretation and reducing observation time. The results of Lisolm's research helped improve methods for diagnosing bone tissue in medical practice, which in turn led to updating and clarifying knowledge about bones and their diseases.