
Lissencephaly is a congenital disease in which the brain has a smooth surface, without any convolutions or grooves. It is a disorder of brain development that may be due to genetic mutations or environmental factors.

Lissencephaly can be mild or severe and appears in a variety of forms. Some people with lissencephaly may have normal intelligence and develop normally, while others may have severe developmental and learning disabilities.

Causes of lissencephaly can vary, including genetic mutations, exposure to toxins during pregnancy, or infections during pregnancy. Treatment for lissencephaly may include medical care, psychological support, and educational programs for parents and children.

However, despite best efforts, some children with lissenphalia may experience difficulties in learning, social adaptation and development. In such cases, special help and support from medical professionals, psychologists and other specialists may be required.

Overall, lissencephaly is a serious condition that requires a comprehensive approach to treatment and support. It is important to understand that each child with this disease is unique and requires an individual approach to treatment.