Lumbar Region

The lumbosacral part - (lumbosacralis) vertebral region - the lumbo-vertebral girdle (parietalis lumbo-sacralis, Greek - plexus lumbo-sacralis), limited behind by the trochanters, in front - by the edge of the XII thoracic vertebra, on the side - by the bodies of the XII thoracic and I-V lumbar vertebrae.

On the posterolateral surface of the bodies of the first 4-5 thoracic and 4-6 lumbar and sacral vertebrae of the lumbosacral part there are openings of the lumbar and sacral canals. At the exit from each sacral canal the upper aorta opens, below which lie the roots of the thoracolumbar nerves located in the infraspinatus fossa, but only the upper ones are divided into 3 dorsal branches of the thoracolumbar node. The lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, the nerves of the gluteal muscle and the biceps femoris muscle pass here, and the sciatic nerve passes through the superior gluteal canal. On the anterior surface of the caudal part of the sacrum, the gonads lie medially, on the posterior surface there is the coccyx, in front of which is the anus; along the sides of the tail bone, posterior to the sacroiliac ligaments, runs the lower gluteal trunk. Tuberculosis of the pelvic bones (Blaumann), accompanied by destruction of the bodies of the affected vertebral elements, mostly develops in the sacral region (most often in the first and second sacral vertebrae and less often in the coccygeal vertebra).

Abscess prif. bones