Marcain Spinal Heavy

Marcain Spinal Heavy: Powerful local anesthetic

Marcain Spinal Heavy is a local anesthetic produced in Sweden by Astra and AstraZeneca AB. Its international name is Bupivacaine, and is also known by the synonyms Anecaine, Bupicaine and Marcaine Spinal. This drug is an injection solution containing 0.5% of the active substance - Bupivacaine.

Marcain Spinal Heavy is used for various types of anesthesia, including caudal, epidural, lumbar and conduction anesthesia in dentistry, as well as for retrobulbar anesthesia and sympathetic blockade. It has a powerful analgesic effect and is widely used in medical practice.

However, before using Marcain Spinal Heavy, certain contraindications must be taken into account. The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity to local anesthetics, especially the amide group, or in children under 12 years of age. You should also limit its use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for liver diseases with impaired liver function.

When using Marcain Spinal Heavy, some side effects may occur. These may include symptoms of central nervous system agitation or depression, paralysis of the limbs and respiratory muscles, bradycardia, sphincter dysfunction, urinary retention, paresthesia and numbness of the limbs, and other cardiac-related symptoms.

There is no information on the interaction of Marcain Spinal Heavy with other drugs, however, it is always recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist before using several drugs at the same time.

In case of overdose of Marcaine Spinal Heavy, serious symptoms such as hypotension, bradycardia, ventricular arrhythmias, respiratory depression, confusion and seizures may occur. In such cases, there is no specific antidote, and symptomatic treatment is carried out, including appropriate supportive measures.

There are no special instructions for the use of Marcain Spinal Heavy. However, before using this drug, you should carefully study the instructions and consult a medical specialist.


  1. Encyclopedia of Medicines, 2004
  2. Encyclopedia of Medicines I apologize, but I don't have access to up-to-date information about specific medications or their availability. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist for the most accurate and current information about medications like "Marcain Spinal Heavy." They will be able to provide you with the relevant details, including its availability and any potential alternatives.