Markashita - marcasite, pyrite

This is a stone that has several varieties: golden, silver, cuprous and ferruginous. Each type of marcasite is similar in color to the substance to which it is classified. The Persians call marcasite hajar ar-rushnay, that is, “stone of light,” because of its benefits for vision.

Hot in the second, dry in the third.

Actions and properties.
This medicine is astringent, warming, promoting maturation, absorbent, cleansing. The power of marcasite is great, but if it is not ground finely, its benefits are not manifested.

Marcasite helps if it is spread with vinegar on baras, bahak or bruises. It dissolves fluids trapped under the skin, thins the hair and makes it curly.

Tumors and acne.
When mixed with rathiyanaj, marcasite helps against hard tumors and resolves them. It is included in absorbable patches, because it has the ability to absorb and promote maturation.

Wounds and ulcers.
Marcasite with rathiyanaj fills ulcers with meat, and when mixed with arsenic, it destroys wild meat.

Tools with joints.
Marcasite dissolves pus-like matter that accumulates in different parts of the muscles.

Organs of the head.
They say that if you hang marcasite around a child's neck, the child will not be shy.

Organs of the eye.
Burnt or unburnt marcasite cleanses and strengthens the eye.