Martina Peptone

Martin Peptone (L. Martin) is a character in the fictional Star Trek universe. She appears in the TV series Star Trek: Voyager.

Marthena was born on the planet Kessik IV in 2356. Her father was a human and her mother was a Kessican. As a child, Marten underwent genetic modification that improved her physical and mental abilities. She had increased reaction speed, agility and intelligence.

In 2371, Marthena enlisted in the Federation Starfleet and was assigned to the starship Voyager as a propulsion operator. Aboard Voyager, she became friends with Harry Kim. Marten often demonstrated her extraordinary abilities, helping the crew get out of difficult situations.

She left Voyager in 2378 after the starship returned to the Alpha Quadrant. Marthena subsequently continued her service in Starfleet.