
Mesangiocytes are cells that form the basis of the basement membrane of capillaries. They are part of the body's vascular system and play an important role in regulating blood flow, metabolism and other functions.

Mesangiocytes are oval in shape and are found in the mesangium, the layer between the capillary endothelium and pericytes. They are a single-layer squamous epithelium that covers the basement membrane of the capillary.

The main function of mesangiocytes is to maintain the integrity and function of the basement membrane, as well as to regulate the metabolism between blood and tissues. They are also involved in the processes of wound healing and tissue regeneration.

In addition, mesangiocytes may be associated with the development of various diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. This is because changes in the number and function of mesangiocytes can affect vascular function and lead to various pathological conditions.

Overall, mesangiocytes play an important role in the functioning of the vascular system and may be associated with various diseases. Studying their functions and role in the development of diseases can help in the development of new methods for the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases.

Mesangiocytes are cells that are found in the mesangium, a layer of blood vessels that lies between the outer membrane and the blood cells. They are key elements in the functioning of the circulatory system and play an important role in maintaining its health.

Mesangiocytes are a type of mesoderm

Mesangiocytes are endothelial cells of blood vessels that are part of the mesangium. They act as building elements of the capillary wall, which ensure the permeability of the vascular wall, as well as their contraction and expansion when physiological pressure changes. The importance of this cell for the human body is difficult to overestimate.

The functions of the cellular element are multifaceted. **Firstly**, mesangiocyte-like cells are involved in the formation of the walls of blood capillaries and other small blood vessels. Numerous blood vessels and veins with arteries form many systems throughout the human body. In particular, mesangiosal cells are of high importance due to their function of maintaining the elasticity of the surface of veins and arteries, as well as ensuring normal blood circulation.

**Secondly**, this cell plays the role of **building element of mesangine**, participating in all processes of proliferation and transformation of the inner surface of the blood vessel. Between the capillaries, tight contacts are formed with each other in the form of many amorphous atypical cells, on which strong adhesion of the bloodstream occurs if there is a need to inhibit the growth of tissues inside the blood channel. If it is necessary to speed up the healing process, then a large number of angiofibrocytes are formed - connective tissue cells inside the vessels with a decrease in blood and the load on them.