Mesosigmoiditis [Mesosigmoiditis; Anat. Meso(Colon) Sigmoi(Deum) Mesentery of the Sigmoid Colon + -I]

Mesosigmaditis or intestinal madness?

Mesosigmaditis is inflammation of the mesentery of the sigmoid colon. In the presence of this disease, dyspeptic symptoms are observed: persistent nausea, loose stools, dry mouth, heartburn, belching, pain in the right hypochondrium, pain in the anus, anal canal, flatulence, poor appetite, pain in the navel. The nature of the stool: pasty, sometimes foamy; in a scatological study, the presence of protein, red blood cells, and white blood cells may be present in large quantities.

Mesosygoiditis is an inflammation of the intestinal mesosis, which is manifested by painful discharge and problems with stool. This disease often occurs in adults and children, especially after abdominal surgery.

Symptoms of mesosygoiditis include diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain,

Mesosigmatitis (sigmasigmatid) is an inflammation of the mesenteric membrane of the sigmoid colon (splanchnoptosis). In other words, this is inflammation of the peri-intestinal tissue of the sigmoid colon, i.e. damage occurring in the peri-intestinal tissue space.