
Microlaryngoscopy is a method of examining the larynx using a special microscope called a microlaryngoscope.

With microlaryngoscopy, the doctor examines the patient's larynx through a thin optical tube with a light source and a magnification system. This allows you to examine the vocal cords, anterior and posterior parts of the larynx in detail.

Microlaryngoscopy is performed to diagnose diseases of the larynx, such as nodules and polyps on the vocal cords, laryngeal cancer, papillomatosis and others. This method is also used for control during surgical operations on the larynx.

Compared to conventional laryngoscopy, microlaryngoscopy provides greater magnification and better visualization of laryngeal structures. This allows the doctor to accurately assess the condition of the mucous membrane and find even minor damage.

Microlaryngoscopy is considered a safe procedure and rarely causes complications. The patient may experience slight discomfort in the throat after the test. This method is widely used in medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the larynx.