Microcurrent face lifting - what is it?

Non-invasive lifting methods are rapidly gaining popularity, because they can significantly delay the time of visiting a plastic surgeon. Microcurrent face lifting is one of the most popular techniques. With its help, you can not only preserve beauty, but also start regenerative processes in the skin. Let's take a closer look at what it is and what results patients should expect.

The essence of the impact

Myostimulation, or microcurrent tightening, involves exposing the deep layers of the dermis to low-frequency electrical impulses. The energy acts directly on the muscles, causing them to contract. This is a kind of training that helps strengthen the facial frame, eliminate the effects of age-related changes and prolong youth.

In addition, modern hardware cosmetology uses special impulse conductors enriched with substances beneficial to the skin.

The composition of the products most often includes vitamins, hyaluronic acid, proteins and other components that, under the influence of current, penetrate into the lower layers of the skin. They trigger metabolic processes at the cellular level, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.


Microcurrent therapy is used both to eliminate defects caused by aging and to prevent them. It is also used in the process of rehabilitation after operations and aggressive rejuvenation techniques that violate the integrity of the upper layer of skin. Direct indications are the following factors:

  1. presence of wrinkles;
  2. sagging skin, loss of clarity of the oval of the face;
  3. dark spots;
  4. ptosis in the lower third of the face;
  5. drooping of the outer corners of the eyes;
  6. presence of jowls;
  7. scars and acne;
  8. bags and bruises under the eyes;
  9. severe swelling;
  10. dryness and exhaustion of the skin.

The procedure is recommended for women over 25 years of age. It is after crossing this threshold that degenerative processes begin to occur in the skin.

Every year, the production of elastin and collagen fibers decreases by 1%, which adversely affects the appearance of the face. Microcurrent stimulation will slow down aging and restore the skin to its former freshness.


Despite the absence of violation of the integrity of the skin, microcurrent lifting has contraindications. They should be taken into account so as not to harm the patient’s health and avoid serious complications.

You will have to abandon the technique in the following situations:

  1. personal intolerance to microcurrents (extremely rare);
  2. oncological neoplasms;
  3. epilepsy and other mental disorders that cause seizures;
  4. the presence of metal implants, pins, pacemaker;
  5. inflammatory processes in the body;
  6. serious heart pathologies;
  7. pregnancy and lactation period.

You should also warn your cosmetologist if there are gold, silver or platinum threads in your skin. Such implants are now used quite rarely, but their presence is a direct contraindication to microcurrent lifting.

Microcurrent rejuvenation protocol

If you carefully study the videos that show the entire microcurrent tightening procedure, you can make sure that it is absolutely painless and comfortable for the patient. Since the integrity of the skin is not compromised, anesthesia and pain relief are not necessary.

The whole process consists of the following stages:

  1. thorough cleansing of the dermis from cosmetics and impurities;
  2. applying a special conductor to the surface to be treated, which may contain components useful for rejuvenation;
  3. treatment of problem areas with special nozzles that generate current, one line is treated 2-4 times;
  4. removing the remaining conductor with a clean sponge;
  5. treating the skin with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

There is no recovery period after the procedure; the patient can immediately return to everyday life. This is one of the most positive aspects of manipulation. If the rejuvenation technology is followed and there are no contraindications, the risk of complications is eliminated.


Reviews from cosmetologists confirm that you should not expect instant results from microcurrent rejuvenation. Of course, improvements will be noticeable after the first session, but to achieve the desired effect you need to complete the full course.

At the age of 25 to 30 years, 5-10 procedures are performed per year; after 30 – the same manipulations are repeated every 6 months.

But for women over 50 years old, a tightening will bring only a short-term and insignificant effect, so it is better to pay attention to other methods of skin correction.


When carrying out lifting within the current time frame, the following improvements will be achieved:

  1. improving blood circulation and lymph flow;
  2. increasing the strength of the facial muscle frame;
  3. clearer oval;
  4. elimination of fine wrinkles and reduction of deep ones;
  5. increased production of collagen and elastin;
  6. gradual resorption of scar tissue;
  7. reduction of age spots;
  8. hydration of the dermis;
  9. regulation of the sebaceous glands;
  10. removal of swelling.

In many ways, the duration of the tightening effect depends on how the patient cares for problem areas at home.

To ensure that the skin does not lose its elasticity and freshness, it must constantly be moisturized and nourished. For this purpose, special creams are suitable, which are selected according to the age and type of dermis. You should also use masks with a lifting effect once a week.

Compatible with other procedures

Quite often, microcurrent stimulation is prescribed in combination with other rejuvenating techniques. Its use is also practiced after plastic surgery and unsuccessful insertion of subcutaneous implants.

You can improve the results of rejuvenation if you combine a facelift with the following techniques:

  1. biorevitalization without the use of needles (with an interval of 3-7 days);
  2. massage (with an interval of 5-10 days);
  3. mesotherapy (after 1-2 days);
  4. chemical peeling (time period is determined individually).

In any case, with comprehensive rejuvenation, you should consult with a cosmetologist about the choice of procedures and the interval between them. The price of the entire course depends on what particular set of manipulations is performed and how many sessions are required in a particular case.

Let's sum it up

Rejuvenation using microcurrents is a fairly effective and virtually painless procedure. It has a minimum of contraindications and gives good results up to the age of 50 years. However, to maintain the effect, you will have to constantly visit a cosmetologist and carefully follow all his recommendations for home care. But all the efforts made are fully justified - the face becomes fresh, toned and radiant.

Choose experienced lifting specialists and enjoy your appearance.

In modern cosmetology, there are many ways to maintain and prolong female beauty. Simple beauty treatments are in great demand among beautiful ladies, allowing them to delay the time when radical methods are needed to improve their appearance. One of the most popular procedures today is microcurrent lifting, aimed at preventing aging, healing the dermis and rejuvenating at the cellular level.

What is microcurrent face lifting?

Have you ever heard of Madame Ninon de Lenclos? A Frenchwoman who lived back in the 16th century was distinguished by her unearthly beauty, which she retained until her death. And she died, by the way, at 89 years old. And even at such an old age she had many fans, including young men. Madame did not hide the secret of her eternal youth, believing that she owed it to a piece of suede and boiled water. There is a huge amount of truth in this statement, because the friction between suede fabric and skin generates electricity, which has a beneficial effect on the muscles, making them harder.


Today's much more effective analogue of a simple 16th century procedure is microcurrent face lifting. Rejuvenation is achieved through electrical impulses, which, upon reaching the muscles, cause them to contract repeatedly. Subsequently, they are strengthened, skin tone increases, wrinkles are smoothed out, the double chin is reduced, the oval of the face is tightened, the skin looks healthy and radiant, pores are narrowed, and the relief is evened out. Also, current stimulation causes increased production of elastin and collagen, which is especially important for aging skin after 40 years.

Cosmetologists recommend starting myostimulation of the face and neck starting at the age of 25 as a preventive measure against aging. Up to 30 years old, you can safely get by with just 1 course of 5-10 procedures once a year; after 30, the number of courses will have to be multiplied by 2. And only after 50 years, when many age-related changes become irreversible, microcurrent therapy will give only temporary and fleeting results.

Indications for facial myostimulation

Every woman wants to remain young, beautiful and fresh as long as possible. The microcurrent lifting procedure will help you achieve excellent results and maintain an attractive appearance for a long time. For its implementation, there are the following indications:

  1. Prevention of aging, starting from 25 years.
  2. Mature aging skin.
  3. Wrinkles.
  4. Residual marks after acne.
  5. Drooping of the lower third of the face.
  6. They shaved.
  7. Impaired pigmentation.
  8. Scars.
  9. Recovery after surgery.
  10. Drooping eyelids.
  11. Bags and blueness under the eyes.
  12. Edema.

As you can see, microcurrents will help to cope with many problems that may arise in beautiful ladies of any age. However, you should not expect miraculous effects after the first procedure. In order for the reflection in the mirror to change for the better, you need to take a course. The number of procedures is calculated by the cosmetologist individually, based on the wishes and age of the patient.

Contraindications for microcurrent lifting

Microcurrent lifting, although in most cases a safe cosmetic procedure and very common throughout the world, still does not exclude contraindications to its implementation. These include:

  1. Intolerance to electrical impulses. A fairly rare phenomenon that can be expressed in different ways: increased blood pressure, a sharp deterioration in condition, general weakness, headache or dizziness.
  2. The presence of malignant processes. In this case, microcurrents will only accelerate the growth of pathological foci.
  3. Epilepsy. Electrical impulses can cause an epileptic seizure, which can even be fatal in people with this disease.
  4. The presence in the body of any prostheses, pins and implants made of iron.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Severe heart disease, stroke or heart attack.
  7. The presence of gold or platinum threads in the skin, previously used for a lifting effect.
  8. Severe mental disorders.


There are several ways to perform microcurrent lifting:

  1. The first of them involves applying special electrodes to the skin. To do this, before attaching them, the surface is treated with a special gel, which conducts current. This method is good for covering large areas and is used primarily on the body rather than the face.
  2. The second is done using gloves, which act as a conductor for low-frequency current. The high efficiency of this method lies in the fact that simultaneously with the beneficial effects of microcurrents, a massage of the face, neck and/or body is also carried out.
  3. The third, and most common of all, is facial myolifting using movable electrodes. After applying a conductor (water, gel or lotion) to the face and décolleté, the doctor treats the skin with special sticks connected to a device through which current is supplied.

The current strength is controlled by the doctor who performs the procedure. As a rule, at the first session the minimum frequency is set, which gradually increases. During the procedure, any muscle can contract uncontrollably and sharply, most often the arms or legs. Do not be alarmed, this reaction is associated with electricity and does not carry with it any negative consequences.


Microcurrents can be performed before or after the following procedures, observing a short time interval:

  1. needle-free skin biorevitalization (3-7 days);
  2. facial massage (5-10 days);
  3. mesotherapy (1-2 days);
  4. light chemical peeling, to achieve the best effect, can be done immediately before the myostimulation procedure to remove dead skin cells of the epidermis.

If you want to combine this procedure with others, it is better to consult an experienced cosmetologist. As a rule, when taking a course of microcurrents, it is not recommended to do any other manipulations at the same time, especially those that injure the delicate skin of the face.

Myolifting of the face at home

In order to save money and time, many women prefer to take care of themselves, doing many procedures at home. These include microcurrent therapy. There is nothing difficult in carrying it out outside the walls of a beauty salon.

To ensure that everything is correct, and the positive effects do not suddenly turn into negative or even disastrous, you need to adhere to a strict procedure for performing the procedure:

  1. The first step is to thoroughly cleanse the skin. To do this, make-up is removed using special means, and then washing is mandatory.
  2. After this, you need to apply a conductor to dry and clean skin. What it will be, the choice is yours. You can even use plain water. But it’s better if these are special products or gels with useful ingredients. In the second case, the beneficial effect of the current is added to the beneficial effect of microelements that penetrate deep into the dermis - a kind of non-injection mesotherapy is obtained.
  3. You should read the instructions very carefully before turning on the magic device. After all, there are a great many of them, and the action of each is slightly different.
  4. The procedure takes 30-60 minutes. You should not move over the same problem area of ​​the skin all this time. Walk along each line 2-4 times, no more. It is best to start with the décolleté area, and then on the face.
  5. After completing the procedure, carefully remove the remaining conductor. Do this with a clean sponge.
  6. Then, if desired, you can apply a soothing mask and nourishing cream to the skin.


Of course, the procedure seems very simple to perform, but this is not entirely true. Professionals in their field know which lines the electrodes need to be drawn along, what current strength to set and which conductor is best to use. However, professional care is very different from home care. But, if you want to take care of your face yourself and at the same time do everything correctly, it is better to learn from the masters or even take appropriate courses.

The effectiveness of microcurrent lifting

It is not for nothing that millions of women who have tried this miraculous procedure on themselves repeat it every year, and even more often, depending on age and needs. Microcurrents promote:

  1. stimulation of humoral and cellular immunity, which accelerates tissue regeneration and reduces the inflammatory process;
  2. relieving tissue swelling;
  3. increased turgor;
  4. hydration and nutrition;
  5. increased production of collagen and elastin. According to research results, after a course of procedures, the production of these components increases by 15-20%;
  6. narrowing pores, regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  7. elimination of pigmentation, small wrinkles, acne.

What is better: microcurrent therapy or RF lifting?

RF lifting is a radio wave method that allows you to create a framework for the skin from elastin and collagen fibers, while microcurrents only stimulate their production. At the same time, the introduction of special substances and fillers is excluded. In modern cosmetology, this method is a good alternative to plastic surgery.

The result of the RF lifting method:

  1. Instant lifting effect that occurs immediately after the first procedure. Keeps up to 1 week. At this time, the “old” collagen fibers are strengthened.
  2. A lifting effect that grows with each procedure. At this stage, new collagen is formed, forming a supporting framework for the skin.

The recommended number of procedures for 1 course ranges from 7 to 10, depending on the condition of the skin. RF lifting, unlike microcurrent therapy, which is also suitable for young people, is indicated only for mature skin - after 35-40 years.


If you are under 35 years old, then it is too early to think about RF lifting procedures; it is better to turn to microcurrents. However, if you have passed this age and your skin needs additional methods of care and stimulation, it is best to combine these 2 progressive techniques.

After creating a new framework for aging skin using RF lifting, you need to stimulate the muscles using microcurrents. And then consolidate the effects with a facial contour massage. Only after completing the entire complex, the effects can be compared with the results after surgery.

Based on this, it is impossible to say which is better: microcurrent therapy or RF lifting. Together, these 2 techniques can give a healthy glow and well-groomed appearance to aging skin.

Always be gorgeous, beautiful and young. Experienced specialists who will be able to select the procedures you need will definitely help you with this.

In combination with special nourishing cosmetics, exposure to low purity currents works wonders. This technique is called microcurrent face lifting or myolifting. This non-surgical, absolutely harmless and painless action has many advantages, which read on.

What is myolifting and its advantages?

Myolifting is a method of hardware solution to the problems of aging skin. Weak currents generated by special equipment are supplied to the problem area, to which vitamin, concentrated cosmetics have previously been applied. Multiple muscle contractions are performed on all layers of the dermis, as a result of which they are strengthened, tissue turgor and tone are increased, and the production of important collagen fibers is stimulated. Thus, the effect of facial rejuvenation is achieved.


Microcurrent lifting has a number of advantages:

  1. delicate, soft effect on all layers of the dermis and the vascular system including;
  2. the procedure is carried out without pain, without surgical intervention and without violating the integrity of the skin;
  3. high efficiency and versatility of lifting action with low currents. Positive changes occur not only in the dermal cells themselves, but also in the capillary vessels. In the complex, a noticeable effect is guaranteed after the first session;
  4. has a mild lymphatic drainage and tonic effect on facial tissues;
  5. this technique promotes the rapid removal of toxins from epidermal cells, strengthens the walls of capillaries and improves blood circulation in them, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  6. narrowing of pores, reduction of swelling, smoother facial contours and clear contours - this is not the entire list of positive changes after microcurrent therapy;
  7. no complications or side effects after the procedure. After each session, the use of cosmetics is not limited. This applies to home and folk remedies for skin rejuvenation.

Prerequisites for performing the procedure

Myolifting is aimed primarily at improving the health of the skin, therefore it is often used:

  1. to eliminate the effects of hypertrophy, atony, scars and stretch marks of the epidermis;
  2. in the treatment of dermatological diseases;
  3. for preventive purposes to prevent deterioration of skin condition;
  4. in the fight against skin hyperpigmentation, microcurrents activate melanin production;
  5. to moisturize dry and fading dermis, slow down the aging of epithelial cells;
  6. as muscle lifting and improvement of the natural frame and facial contours;
  7. for rapid tissue restoration after injuries, plastic surgery, laser rejuvenation, chemical peeling and other procedures associated with damage to the upper layer of the dermis and requiring a rehabilitation period;
  8. from bags and blue under the eyes.


Restrictions on the use of myolifting

Despite its effectiveness and harmlessness, microcurrent lifting has many contraindications:

  1. abnormal heart rhythm, cardiopathy and the presence of pacemakers;
  2. lactation period or pregnancy;
  3. the presence of metal implants (pins) in the bones or gold threads in the skin. The exception is dental prostheses;
  4. oncology, epilepsy and mental disorders;
  5. inflammatory processes on the skin or in the body as a whole, periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  6. increased body temperature (over 37°C);
  7. intolerance to electric current of an individual nature;
  8. herpes, neoplasms and pain of an unknown nature in the intended area of ​​influence.

Procedure for conducting a current therapy session

  1. A special preparatory period is not required, as well as a rehabilitation period.
  2. A superficial examination by a specialist and analysis of possible contraindications.
  3. Makeup removal and thorough cleansing of the facial skin from fatty deposits that prevent the conduction of currents.
  4. Applying a special conductive gel to the surface.
  5. Setting procedure parameters on special equipment.
  6. Direct impact using electrodes. They can be conical, with metal balls and cotton swabs soaked in a special lotion, or glove electrodes. The microcurrent therapy scheme includes 10 basic movements that will provide treatment to the surface of the face.

A myolifting session usually lasts half an hour. It is recommended to perform the procedure up to 3 times a week. The course of microcurrent therapy is 10-15 sessions.

Additional recommendations from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists unanimously recommend the technique not only for treating or rejuvenating facial skin, but also for preventive measures of aging and healing the dermis. Correction of facial asymmetry after an unsuccessful Botox injection can be performed with currents.

However, do not forget about healthy eating and quality care. Properly selected lifting cream, cosmetics for cleansing and toning tissues and gymnastics for tightening the oval of the face will eliminate the need for radical measures in the next 10 years.

The benefits of this therapy are colossal - this is noted by specialists all over the world!
