Myocarditis Fungal

Myocarditis Fungini is an inflammatory disease of the heart muscle caused by a fungus under a microscope. But it should not be confused with myocardial infarction! Worldwide, this disease ranks ninth in terms of prevalence in the statistics of acute cerebrovascular accident.

The bacterial form mentioned above enters the heart muscle from the bloodstream. Venous blood is rich in nutrients and beneficial microelements, so pathogens develop there without interference. Both types of disease are rare in children 5 - 12 years old, and in children under 30 and after 60 years of age. Men are more often affected, and almost always the same ones - people of any age. But women get sick half as often. The cause of gender injustice has not been established.

Myocarditis from infection is provoked either by a virus (influenza or Epstein-Barr virus) or toxins of different types of bacteria (for example, pneumococcus or tuberculosis bacilli). But these bacteria themselves can be transmitted to humans through soil, animals or insects.

Infection with fungi occurs only indirectly, but this is of enormous importance for the course of the disease. They are transmitted in the following ways: • Through household objects, hands, toys. People who often use public transport are well aware of this: a wire, seat or handrail in the subway or bus is a favorite breeding ground for mold fungi. When near a patient with fungus, be very careful