Mobilization of the Stirrup Direct

Mobilization of the stapes (m.stapedis) is an important anatomical element of the middle ear, which ensures the transmission of sound vibrations from the eardrum to the oval window. It consists of two muscles that are attached to the stapes (malleus) and to the handle of the malleus (incus).

Direct mobilization of the stapes is a method in which the stapes muscles contract simultaneously, which leads to their tension and displacement of the stapes inside the oval window. This movement improves sound transmission and reduces the loss of sound energy.

To mobilize the straight stapes, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Place your index finger on the eardrum and your middle finger on the handle of the hammer.
  2. Tighten your muscles and press on the handles of the malleus so that the stapes moves inside the oval window.
  3. Relax the muscles and check that the stirrup is in the correct position.
  4. Repeat the exercise several times to achieve maximum effectiveness.

It is important to remember that direct mobilization of the stapes can only be performed under the supervision of an experienced specialist, as improper execution can lead to damage to the middle ear.