Wrinkles on the forehead how to remove cosmetology reviews

The fight against wrinkles: how to defeat the enemy?

  1. Cosmetic procedures
  2. Surgical operations
  3. Medicines
  4. Traditional methods

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Nobody is happy about the appearance of wrinkles, and this is a fact. In our understanding, the skin should always remain young, firm and elastic, preventing visible signs of aging. And until the elixir of youth is found, we will always think about how to get rid of them.

Removal of treacherous folds occurs using:

  1. cosmetic procedures;
  2. surgical operations;
  3. pharmaceutical drugs;
  4. traditional medicine recipes.

Cosmetic procedures

There are quite a few effective cosmetic procedures that help quickly get rid of wrinkles:

  1. injections and injections;
  2. chemical peeling;
  3. microdermabrasion (laser resurfacing);
  4. plasmaplasty;
  5. thermage;
  6. microcurrent therapy.

Reviews about these drugs are completely different, but this is most likely due to the professionalism of the cosmetologists who performed these procedures. So, how to remove wrinkles using the above methods? Let's take a closer look.

Injections and injections

To get rid of wrinkles, the following procedures are used:

  1. Botox injections are a reliable method that will really help get rid of wrinkles. Botox is a botulism toxin that relaxes and smoothes muscles and prevents their contraction. The advantage of this substance is that it has a composition compatible with blood, and therefore can be used at any age. The duration of a Botox injection is 6-12 months, after which the drug completely dissolves in the blood.;
  2. injections of biodegradable substances (collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid) - aimed at replenishing the lack of substances such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin in the skin;
  3. injections of synthetic-based drugs (methacrylamide, acrylamide) are a rather complex procedure that should be performed by an experienced cosmetologist. The fact is that the result of such injections remains for many years and mistakes made by the doctor can lead to the formation of compactions (infiltrates) under the skin.

Chemical peeling

The essence of the method: with the help of a certain composition, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed and regeneration processes are launched, such as the production of collagen and the construction of new cells. The result of this procedure largely depends on the experience of the cosmetologist, as evidenced by some reviews. Improperly performed chemical peels can lead to serious skin burns. The fight against wrinkles done in this way has another disadvantage - a long recovery period of 14 days.


Laser skin resurfacing has a similar principle to chemical peeling: the top layer of skin is removed in the same way and regeneration processes are activated. But there are also differences: the effectiveness of microdermabrasion is much lower than peeling, and its recovery period is much shorter.

Laser skin resurfacing is a kind of polishing of the epidermis, which consists of applying tiny crystals of skin-friendly aluminum oxide and removing them with a vacuum pump along with dead particles of the epithelium. The advantage of laser resurfacing is also the accompanying effects, such as the tightening of pores, the disappearance of freckles, blemishes and fine scars.


With plasmaplasty, the patient’s own fresh plasma is injected into the wrinkle areas, and to coagulate it, the skin must be treated with a neodymium laser. Removing wrinkles in this way occurs very quickly, the results are visible the very next day.


The principle of the procedure is the effect of radio wave radiation on the skin, as a result of which self-healing processes are launched. Thermage is usually used by women after 35 years of age, when visible signs of aging appear. Fighting wrinkles in this way gives a long-lasting effect and does not have a recovery period.

Microcurrent therapy

Removing wrinkles in this way is not as effective as laser resurfacing or Botox injections. But this method is painless and gives a good general health effect. Microcurrent therapy is the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles, and therefore this method will not help those who want to completely get rid of already deep skin folds. It is recommended to begin microcurrent therapy at age 25.

Surgical operations

We are talking about a radical method - plastic surgery. Let's look at how to get rid of wrinkles through surgery? Eliminating wrinkles in this way is the most effective, but also the most difficult way for the patient to restore elasticity to the skin. Thanks to plastic surgery, you can eliminate anything - from facial wrinkles to deep folds of skin on the forehead. To do this, incisions are made behind the ears or under the hair of the head, the skin is peeled off and tightened, and areas with a lot of wrinkles are cut off. Removal of excess skin occurs only under general anesthesia. The incisions are sewn together with cosmetic sutures, which are removed after a week. The effect lasts up to 10 years.

As a result of a successful operation, the face looks much younger and quite natural. But it’s important not to overdo it: in an attempt to get perfectly smooth skin, you can turn your face into a mask. The disadvantages of plastic surgery are also the high price and long recovery period. It is also worth paying attention to finding an experienced specialist. If you read the reviews, a bad surgeon may not only fail to remove wrinkles, but also severely disfigure the face.


Any pharmacy sells many drugs that help you achieve beautiful and elastic skin. But how to fight wrinkles with these products, and are they effective at all? Let's try to figure it out.

The fact is that many drugs that help get rid of wrinkles have completely different purposes. Their successful fight against signs of aging is due to their composition, which contains components beneficial to the skin:

  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. collagen;
  3. antioxidants;
  4. keratin;
  5. coenzyme Q10;
  6. kinetin;
  7. copper peptides.

All these components have a positive effect on the skin, enhancing regeneration processes and helping to get rid of wrinkles. According to user reviews, all pharmaceutical drugs do not give the same effect as cosmetic procedures, they simply slow down the aging process of the skin, which means that the treatment of wrinkles occurs very slowly. In addition to creams from well-known brands (L’Oreal, Avon, Vichy, Garnier and others), the following drugs effectively fight wrinkles:

  1. Relief is an ointment for hemorrhoids, the effect of which on wrinkles is due to the presence of shark oil in its composition.
  2. Heparin ointment is a drug for the treatment of thrombophlebitis of the extremities, which is used to eliminate bags, bruises and fine wrinkles.
  3. Zinc ointment is a zinc-based medicine that protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Solcoseryl is an ointment that increases skin production of collagen, improves metabolism and restores damaged tissue.
  5. Lyoton is an ointment that helps to quickly get rid of not only swelling of the legs, but also swelling of the face.
  6. Curiosin is a medicine for problem skin, which, thanks to the hyaluronic acid it contains, copes well with wrinkles.
  7. Blefarogel is a drug based on hyaluronic acid and aloe juice.
  8. Ointment Radevit - thanks to its rich vitamin composition (A, E, D), even very deep wrinkles are removed.
  9. Retinol ointment is a drug containing vitamin A, which helps regenerate the epidermis.

Traditional methods

Removing wrinkles at home is quite common. Of course, this is less effective than laser resurfacing, chemical peeling and other cosmetic procedures, but it is accessible, easy and cheap. So, how to remove wrinkles at home?
This can be done in the following ways:

  1. Preparation of masks, creams and lotions.
  2. Carrying out facial massage and gymnastics.

Home remedies for wrinkles

Correcting wrinkles at home involves preparing masks, ointments and lotions from natural ingredients.
The most effective recipes:

  1. You need to mix 50 grams of aloe juice, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1.5 tablespoons of cottage cheese. After forming a homogeneous consistency, apply to clean facial skin, and after 10-20 minutes rinse with water.
  2. You need to mix 15 ml of liquid honey with 7.5 ml of whole milk. The resulting mixture must be applied to the skin and, after leaving for 10 minutes, rinse with water.
  3. A handful of lemon balm needs to be poured with 500 ml of boiled water. Use to wash your face in the morning.
  4. Pour freshly squeezed fruit or berry juice into molds and place in the refrigerator. Rub your face with these fruit ice cubes every morning instead of washing your face normally.

Facial massage and gymnastics

Treatment of wrinkles can also be carried out using massage and facial gymnastics. At first glance, simple exercises will help get rid of fine wrinkles and make the skin firmer and more elastic. Tapping, stroking, patting, rubbing the skin triggers the natural processes of rejuvenation of epidermal cells. Of course, wrinkle correction will not be immediately successful, but with regular use, positive results will certainly appear.

Fighting wrinkles is a difficult task that requires persistence and focus on results. Using the advice of traditional medicine, pharmaceutical drugs, and facial massage, it will not be possible to see positive changes right away. But for those who are not used to waiting, a number of cosmetic procedures have been developed that give an instant effect, but require large financial costs. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves how to get rid of wrinkles, especially since the choice is great.

How to remove nasolabial folds at home

Nasolabial folds spoil the mood even for young girls. In cosmetology, entire complexes are being developed to solve this problem. Aesthetic medicine has made significant progress in the correction of nasolabial folds. Methods carried out at home are no less effective.

Causes of nasolabial folds

The characteristic triangle can be observed at a young age, but there are a number of factors that provoke deep wrinkles:

  1. Emotional facial expressions;
  2. Malocclusion;
  3. Bad habits, in particular smoking;
  4. Lack of proper skin care;
  5. Sudden weight loss;
  6. Regular loads on the articulatory apparatus;
  7. Features of the anatomical structure;
  8. Natural aging processes.

Ways to get rid of nasolabial folds

Massage of the nasolabial folds improves muscle tone, restores oxygen breathing, and strengthens facial capillaries. The effectiveness of creams, gels and oils used in manipulations also increases. The face and hands should be cleaned, carried out sitting or standing, controlling posture. It is better to do it in the afternoon or before bed.

  1. the index and middle fingers are located in the dimple of the chin, gradually slide to the corners of the mouth, the skin is pressed with little force, repeat three times;
  2. actively massage the area near the wings of the nose for three seconds, then with smoothing movements move to the tragus of the ear, fix it, repeat three times;
  3. Place your palms edge-on on the nasolabial folds, pull the skin up to the cheekbones, fix them at the temples, repeat the manipulation three times;
  4. Using your fingertips, intensively work the area of ​​the wings of the nose towards the ear tragus, then from the middle of the chin to the temples, repeat three times.

Cryoprocedures are effective due to the strengthening of blood vessels, tonic effect and impact on elastin synthesis. Ice cubes can be prepared from decoctions, fruit, berry, and vegetable juices, enriched with fatty and essential oils, as well as pharmaceutical vitamins. They are carried out in courses of ten/twelve sessions, two/three times a year, no more, otherwise addiction is possible, reducing the result of the manipulations. The only contraindication is rosacea; damage from the effects of cold manifests itself in the form of a vascular network.

Interesting video: How to quickly and without surgery smooth out and remove nasolabial folds?

Exercises for nasolabial folds can be both preventive and corrective measures. Facial gymnastics is one of the most effective ways to maintain youth and elasticity without surgery or the introduction of fillers. Before performing it, be sure to cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics, preferably in front of a mirror, making sure you perform it accurately. The result will be noticeable in two/three weeks, subject to regular exercise in the morning and before bed.

Exercises against nasolabial folds

  1. With force, you can say “whoa” without making a sound, while your mouth is open as much as possible, tension is felt in the cheeks, you need to make sure that your eyebrows do not rise, forming folds on your forehead;
  2. Fix your temples with your palms, slightly pulling the skin up, form an “O” with your lips, hold for five seconds, relax the muscles, repeat twice;
  3. The palms are pressed tightly to the ears, the mouth is slightly open, the teeth are hidden behind the lips, the corners of the mouth are pulled up, you get a “smiling grandmother”, hold for five seconds - relax, then repeat again;
  4. Take a little air, compress your lips tightly, roll over your cheeks, along the lines of the upper and lower lips, walk completely along the nasolabial triangle from left to right and right to left, lasts only five seconds, repeat the standard two times;
  5. Place the little finger at the lower eyelid, the remaining fingers at the temples, slightly pull the skin up, the shoulders should be relaxed, the tongue rests on the corner of the mouth and slowly, with effort, passes a circle that lasts five seconds, then repeat from the other corner in the opposite direction.

You can remove sharp wrinkles in the salon thanks to fillers in the nasolabial folds. Preferably, drugs are used with hyaluronic acid, replenishing its deficiency in tissues. The action is designed for six/nine months, depending on individual characteristics and lifestyle.

The best mask recipes for nasolabial folds

Natural cosmetics help maintain skin elasticity and youth. Thanks to the active elements, blood flow accelerates and facial capillaries are strengthened. Simple, proven recipes get rid of nasolabial triangle folds no less effectively than salon procedures.

With vitamins

Traditional recipes help in the fight against wrinkles, restoring the elasticity and freshness of the skin. The problem area of ​​the nasolabial triangle needs regular nutrition and saturation with moisture and vitamins. Thanks to masks, you can refresh and rejuvenate your face, devoting a minimum of time to caring for your appearance.

  1. yolk;
  2. 3 drops of tocopherol;
  3. 2 drops of retinol;
  4. 1 tablet of ascorutin.

Production and method of application: add vitamin solutions and ascorbic acid powder to the yolk. Steam your face thoroughly, apply the mask to the surface with smoothing movements from the edges of the lips to the cheekbones. Leave for twenty minutes, then you can finish.

With berries

Homemade acid peeling can reduce the severity of wrinkles. Carrying out once every three weeks provides a lasting tonic result, and rapid renewal of the integument occurs. The mechanism of collagen synthesis in tissues is launched.

  1. 6 raspberries;
  2. 4 cranberries;
  3. 5 gr. honey.

Production and method of application: pass raspberries and cranberries through a sieve, mix with liquid honey. Steam your face thoroughly with a hot compress, then distribute the composition, bypassing only the eyelids, and hold for seven to eight minutes. Finish with a cold wash.

With starch

You can make your own cosmetics that reduce wrinkles near the lips. Restoring components fill gaps, smooth and soften problem areas. The skin becomes tightened and renewed.

  1. 10 gr. starch;
  2. 15 gr. cream;
  3. 3 drops of orange ether.

Production and method of application: combine corn starch with milk cream and aromatic drops of citrus. Apply the product using a spatula using smoothing movements. After resting for twenty-five/thirty minutes, you can complete cosmetic procedures.

With banana

Natural masks help quickly restore freshness and youth to the skin. To improve intracellular processes and provide important minerals and vitamins, it is worth using a proven recipe. To achieve lasting results after 30 years, carry out a course of twelve procedures.

  1. banana;
  2. 5 ml almond oil;
  3. 2-3 gr. ginger

Production and application method: turn the pulp into a puree, add vegetable oil and spices. Wipe the surface of the face with thermal water, distribute the finished product, avoiding the eyelids, filling the entire remaining area of ​​the face. Leave for twenty minutes and finish as usual.

Lifting mask

A folk remedy will help get rid of nasolabial folds at home. Allows you to soften and moisturize the dermis, as well as correct the oval line. Copes well with all types of wrinkles, regardless of depth.

  1. avocado;
  2. 10 gr. rice flour;
  3. 2 capsules of fish oil.

Production and method of application: grind the pulp into a homogeneous puree, add cereal flour and oil capsule solution. Distribute the mask in a dense layer on the steamed surface, starting from the chin and moving up to the forehead. Leave for about thirty minutes, rinse off as usual.

Interesting video: How to remove nasolabial folds quickly and without surgery - exercises

Reviews - how to get rid of nasolabial folds

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
Read more here...

Constantly using natural cosmetics, the skin is very sensitive and instantly reacts to store-bought products. I'm afraid to give injections into the folds, so I'm also learning facial gymnastics. The result does not appear immediately, I noticed after two weeks, with moisturizing masks you can take 10 years off.

I have an incorrect bite and the nasolabial triangle has always been pronounced. But over the years, dry skin has worsened the problem. Now I actively use collagen creams and regularly make a gelatin mask.

It's finished! I finally said goodbye to wrinkles! I had a lot of facial wrinkles. Traditional remedies did not help. But one product (for only 1 ruble) in 2 weeks saved me from wrinkles and plus all my skin was tightened and refreshed, I used... more

Hello. How do you deal with forehead wrinkles? This is a complete nightmare for me. Due to poor eyesight (I wear glasses now), I had to constantly wince and squint. After this, terrible folds formed on the forehead and between the nose. I take care of my face and use anti-wrinkle creams. But nothing helps at all. These folds and depressions are just killing me.

Woman.ru experts

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Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

My friend has the same problem. Colette Dysport says it’s normal.

My friend has the same problem. Colette Dysport says it’s normal.

And how old are you? Wait with the injections, try Asahi massage with oils. It will not be worse.

And how old are you? Wait with the injections, try Asahi massage with oils. It will not be worse.

Come on, don't be afraid of these injections! If there is already a problem, it will only get worse. Do Botox once, get used to straining your forehead less, and you may not need to do more for a few more years. Yes, even if doing Botox once a year is such a trifle, what effect will it have, and it will smooth out wrinkles and prevent them from becoming deeper and deeper. You don’t look at your age, look at your problem that can be solved. Well, of course, you can also try peelings, and at home you should regularly use acids and retinoids, this is very good for the skin and helps fight wrinkles, but you have to wait for the effect for some time and it still won’t completely smooth it out. The skin will be good, clean, smooth, the wrinkles will be smoothed out too, but the essence of wrinkles is in the muscles, the muscle contracts stronger and stronger over time, the skin is attached to the muscle, so when the muscles contract there will always be a wrinkle across the muscle, on the forehead the muscles are vertical, and the wrinkles are horizontal , you can do a smoothing massage, stretching this muscle. Remember that a wrinkle is always across the muscle; if the muscle is horizontal, then the wrinkle will be vertical and vice versa.

Try chemical peels. The cosmetologist will tell you which one is better. Also, the old way: take a little steam in the bath. Then apply a thick layer of moisturizer to your face, and a small wet towel on top (roll it like a ring, with your nose in the center). And lie there for 10 minutes, resting. Instead of cream, you can use a moisturizing mask. It won’t remove deep wrinkles, but small ones go away well, and the skin becomes better and fresher. Also try facial gymnastics.
There will be no immediate effect, but in 2 weeks you will see the result. Injections are quick, but expensive and not very useful. Take your vitamins and monitor your water balance.

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You don't need to listen to the stupid assholes who start squealing when they hear the word Botox. There is nothing wrong with injections. And it’s an absolute lie that you start once and then you always have to inject. All this is bullshit. No masks, creams, peelings or other crap work. There is only one remedy for expression lines - Botox and it really works. I'm over forty. I did Botox between the eyebrows and for horizontal wrinkles. It only took me two times for my facial muscles to get used to not wrinkling my forehead or frowning. I didn't do Botox anymore. Since then, the forehead has been pristinely clean. Not a single wrinkle. And this despite age. So baby, don’t listen to anyone, get Botox and enjoy life, and don’t worry about wrinkles. It also depends a lot on facial expressions. It depends not so much on age, but on facial expressions. For those whose facial expressions are very active, Botox is just what the doctor ordered. You will wean your muscles from straining once again and you will be happy.

Hyaluron colite, what kind of Botox. Botox is for 40+ and makes your face look like a mummy

You don't need to listen to the stupid assholes who start squealing when they hear the word Botox. There is nothing wrong with injections. And it’s an absolute lie that you start once and then you always have to inject. All this is bullshit. No masks, creams, peelings or other crap work. There is only one remedy for expression lines - Botox and it really works. I'm over forty. I did Botox between the eyebrows and for horizontal wrinkles. It only took me two times for my facial muscles to get used to not wrinkling my forehead or frowning. I didn't do Botox anymore. Since then, the forehead has been pristinely clean. Not a single wrinkle. And this despite age. So baby, don’t listen to anyone, get Botox and enjoy life, and don’t worry about wrinkles. It also depends a lot on facial expressions. It depends not so much on age, but on facial expressions. For those whose facial expressions are very active, Botox is just what the doctor ordered. You will wean your muscles from straining once again and you will be happy.

An interesting and relevant topic for me too, thank you girls for your advice, I’m 35 and wrinkles have just begun to appear on my forehead and between the eyebrows. I was wondering if I should get Botox, but now I understand what I need to do so as not to push the wrinkles into the furrows.

I am 25 years old. thanks for the advice

I was afraid to get injections for so long, now I regret it - the wrinkles are already deep and have not resolved at all, the dents remain even with Botox.

Girls, HUMILITY. skin begins to age after 20 and . it won't be better. Just deal with it

Hyaluron colite, what kind of Botox. Botox is for 40+ and makes your face look like a mummy

I watched my facial expressions from a young age, I was preoccupied with my appearance. Nearly 60, almost smooth forehead. Between the eyebrows, I tried to smooth it out with gymnastics, it went away on one side and came out on the other. Not very deep but there.

Anyone who has injected, please tell me if you have any pigmentation at the injection site? Two of my friends, who I know for sure were injected, developed quite noticeable spots.

Virgos, forgive me, you don’t like yourself at all - what the hell are injections?
Proper facial massage and facial gymnastics!
there are a lot of exercises, for example, Ethel Adanye has a great course
There is Galina Dubinina, girls from all over the country come to her in St. Petersburg for a personal consultation. injections are not recommended for everyone and they are not at all harmless. If I train my muscles, you won’t have any problems until you’re 55 years old. Connect your head and don’t eat stupid salon advertisements. you have the same face! beaver everyone)

Author, Asahi, as you wrote above, be sure to do it constantly! Super remedy. But if expression lines have already appeared, then nothing can remove them; without injections you can only improve the situation a little. The age for this is still very young, but don’t be afraid to inject yourself. Never skimp on a cosmetologist! You need to choose a cosmetologist very carefully. There will be no rubber muzzle, the concentration of drugs now is different. I have a lot of friends who do it, and if you don’t overdo it, it’s absolutely natural. I have a forehead too, no one even notices anything. Inject yourself once every 6 months, in no case earlier. If you decide, it’s better to ask for the minimum the first time.

I'm also for Botox. The wrinkles on my forehead appeared early, it’s hereditary. You can, of course, constantly control your facial expressions, apply patches to your forehead and between your eyebrows... But why? If there is an easier way
Asahi and other facial massages are a very good and useful thing, but in this particular case as an additional option. care

Expression wrinkles can be perfectly removed with massage and exercises. but here it’s either massage and exercises or injections. because from exercise, blood flows to the forehead muscles and the skin renews, which leads to the resorption of the drug if it was injected. so it's either/or. either learn to model your own face with your fingers and not depend on the greed of a cosmetologist, or milk your wallet all the time in favor of someone else’s girl in a white robe, who, God forbid, has a medical education. to each his own choice

Thank you very much everyone for the advice!

Virgos, forgive me, you don’t like yourself at all - what the hell are injections? Proper facial massage and facial gymnastics! There are a lot of exercises, for example, Ethel Adanye has a great course, Galina Dubinina, girls come from all over the country to her in St. Petersburg for a personal consultation. injections are not recommended for everyone and they are not at all harmless. If I train my muscles, you won’t have any problems until you’re 55 years old. Connect your head and don’t eat stupid salon advertisements. you have the same face! beaver everyone)

Anyone who has injected, please tell me if you have any pigmentation at the injection site? Two of my friends, who I know for sure were injected, developed quite noticeable spots.

I was afraid to get injections for so long, now I regret it - the wrinkles are already deep and have not resolved at all, the dents remain even with Botox.

Botex or Dysport. And you don’t have to be afraid of it. Thanks to the fact that certain muscles relax due to beauty injections, new wrinkles stop forming.
Personal experience

I am also afraid of Botox injections, but only because of possible allergies.

Oh, by the way, no pigmentation. I've never seen anyone. This is something the cosmetologist messed up badly.

Oh, by the way, no pigmentation. I've never seen anyone. This is something the cosmetologist messed up badly.

Drink clean water every day, at least 1.5-1.8 liters. It helps me. I didn’t notice any benefit from the cream. There’s no way without water. You can also rub sesame oil on your forehead and against wrinkles under the eyes.

Hello. How do you deal with forehead wrinkles? This is a complete nightmare for me. Due to poor eyesight (I wear glasses now), I had to constantly wince and squint. After this, terrible folds formed on the forehead and between the nose. I take care of my face and use anti-wrinkle creams. But nothing helps at all. These folds and depressions are just killing me.

Now there are a lot of different anti-wrinkle procedures, the main thing is to find a good cosmetologist. I recommend my Elena Fedyakova, a very good woman and doctor.

Wait, why go under the knife right away? I think a good place to start is to try the Imira C&E serum. My mother and I really like it (I’m 30, she’s 56). It seems to me that we almost look like girlfriends :) I recommend it to everyone!

Patch fillers with microneedles of hyaluronic acid from Libriderm helped me, I put them on at night, the effect was already after the first use.

In a month, I removed all the wrinkles from my forehead with gentomecin ointment. I applied it once a day and not regularly. I thought it was nonsense, but it turned out that the product works. She's so transparent

I took an ordinary spoon and cream and began to smooth them out quite intensively, using force, because simply cream will not do anything with what you have been doing to the skin for so long and persistently. Then, after I see that the wrinkles are more or less smoothed out, I wiped my forehead with micellar and then applied a film mask, not very aggressive, but only on the forehead, then went to bed, took it off in the morning, applied cream, and before bed the same procedure. And so regularly, but not every day. After two weeks, the forehead was smoothed out, 5 minutes of time were worth it). I'm 30 years old and the wrinkles were quite deep.

Anti-wrinkle patches for frownies. There is a Russian site, they are representatives of the American company that produces them. I'm against injections, and this is a great alternative.

Hello. How do you deal with forehead wrinkles? This is a complete nightmare for me. Due to poor eyesight (I wear glasses now), I had to constantly wince and squint. After this, terrible folds formed on the forehead and between the nose. I take care of my face and use anti-wrinkle creams. But nothing helps at all. These folds and depressions are just killing me.


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I continue, as promised, the topic of facial wrinkles. This is not relevant for everyone, but for those who have experienced this topic themselves, the information may be useful. Today I want to touch a little on how they are formed and how it relates to health. I’ll also give you 3 tips that I tested on myself and that are guaranteed to help reduce expression lines.


Where do expression lines come from?

The beginning of wrinkles in the skin, which will later turn into wrinkles, can begin in adolescence or childhood. The habit of wrinkling your forehead or “pushing” your eyebrows from tension, irritation, or any vigorous activity does not cause concern at first. Because in childhood, when emotions change, the skin returns to its usual state. The habit does not go away with age, but expression lines remain on your face even after you have relaxed it.

How does excess muscle tension harm your health?


Do a little test. While working at the computer or other activities that require concentration, notice which muscles are tense. Do you really need to strain your neck, shoulders, and back to type? How does tension in the forehead and bridge of the nose help when studying something? Does an argument go more effectively if you understand your eyebrows and wrinkle your forehead?

In everyday life, we very often use muscles that are not needed for current activities. This creates unnecessary tension and a person gets tired much faster. Therefore, after a working day in a sitting position, you can feel “broken”, as if hours of physical work have passed.

On the face, such tension turns into facial wrinkles and is aggravated by age-related changes and sun exposure to the skin. And then these elegant facial wrinkles “suddenly” appeared. In one of his books, Dale Carnegie refers to proven facts that fatigue is caused by eye strain and, accordingly, the muscles around them. Very often, facial wrinkles appear on the forehead, around the eyes, between the eyebrows.

3 practical tips for combating expression wrinkles

Both prevention, when there are no facial wrinkles yet, and the fight against wrinkles on the skin, trained over the years, follow the same principles. It’s just that in cases where facial wrinkles have already settled on the face, you need to act more intensively and on all fronts. Believe me, facial wrinkles can be corrected at any age.

Here are 3 tips that help me a lot:

1. During the day, periodically check whether your facial muscles are tense unnecessarily. You can also ask your loved ones to tell you when it’s time to “make your face simpler” and relax your muscles.

2. Morning and evening, do exercises for the problem area of ​​the facial muscles. Ideally, of course, exercises should be done for all muscles, but you can start with problem areas. Facial sculpting was developed (or simply popularized) by Carol Maggio. You can easily find exercises on the Internet. Gives very good results after about a month of training.

3. Use helpers. These are frownies patches and creams with the Botox effect (I have posts about them on the beautician). If the case is severe, then at first something like this will help a lot.

I looked at the patches and thought about buying them several times, but until the advertising convinced me. It is better to consciously wean your muscles from straining unnecessarily. Once you peel off the bandage, the tension may return. I might try these patches someday, but not in the near future.

I use relaxing creams with Botox effect and they work quite well. This is a good way to help yourself cope with excess micro-tension in the skin and muscles of the face. I will tell you about them and Botox in more detail, separately, and I will definitely show you exactly which brands I use and what works.

If you follow these simple rules and take your expression wrinkles seriously, then I give a 99.9% guarantee that within 1-2 months your expression wrinkles will lose their positions. But you need to start today. Better now. Is there anything too tense?