Wrinkles reviews disappeared

I would like to ask, because I have tried everything - mesotherapy, Restylane, creams and much more. The result is 0. The fact is that I have a couple of wrinkles, they appeared a year ago, I decided to fight until the situation worsened, in the initial stage. No results. And I turned to specialists and made endless masks at home and spent a lot of money and nothing. It’s a shame. Has anyone really been able to get rid of wrinkles and how? Please share.

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Elena Basanova

Psychologist, Family psychologist Skype. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Ekaterina Artemyeva

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Aleynikova Natalya Valerievna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Zubkova Anna Andreevna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Khairullina Rosa Rinatovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

And you decided that you will get help here?

Author, How old are you?

radically plastic, but the result is not so durable (

Botox really helped me - there was a noticeable wrinkle between the eyebrows, I didn’t even notice that I was constantly frowning. Miracle injection - the cause is eliminated, and the consequences, as they say, are on the face.

Botox really helped me - there was a noticeable wrinkle between the eyebrows, I didn’t even notice that I was constantly frowning. Miracle injection - the cause is eliminated, and the consequences, as they say, are on the face.

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It depends where the wrinkles are. If they are nasolabial, you can pump in a giluaronka. And so is chemical peeling.

Hyaluronic acid doesn’t help. Wrinkles on the forehead, I agree, can be removed with Botox, but they don’t inject it into the face.

Author, where are the wrinkles?

nothing will help. This is a natural process of skin aging. if only you get Botox, as already advised

By the way, don’t rely on Botox as a miracle. Botox will not completely remove old wrinkles; these are skin creases; if they are old, then miraculously the skin will not straighten out completely. It’s like imagining a very, very tightly ironed fold on a fabric that has been around for a long time, and you suddenly decide to iron it out, you still won’t be able to completely iron it out.
Author, exactly where are the wrinkles? Gilauronka does not help and has never helped against wrinkles at all, it is injected only to maintain internal hydration of the skin and maybe from the formation of new wrinkles, but it has never gotten rid of old ones. Gilauronka is often injected before Botox, and even more than one session.

And what can I do to remove nasolabial facial wrinkles, I’m 27, they are already showing up quite strongly, apparently this is another one of my facial features, I read here about old wrinkles, I thought maybe I’ve already started them. advise who knows.

Hi all! Thanks for the topic! I am 29 years old and I have been getting wrinkles on my forehead. "Timeline Triogel" from VISION helped. It nourishes and protects the skin, gives elasticity. Prevents the formation of facial wrinkles, such as horizontal and vertical lines on the forehead, "crow's feet" near the eyes and nasolabial folds. Botox effect without injections of botulinum toxin A. Both the gel and the results last a long time.

I absolutely disagree. Hylauron PERFECTLY removes nasolabial lines. And I had 1 injection in two very noticeable wrinkles (I have been suffering from them for 25 years, I did it when I was 35) lasted almost 2 YEARS! but it was a very expensive injection. But Botox and meso... they help, but they don’t last very long... they last a maximum of six months, and as the specialist told me, it depends on the skin and the body as a whole

place the filler. what's the problem then? It fills in the wrinkles and that’s it. On top of that is Botox – it eliminates unnecessary muscle activity. If you do not smoke or drink, you will have a perfectly smooth surface for 6-8 months, depending on individual characteristics. Further repetitions))))) ad infinitum

If these are expression wrinkles (that is, you constantly wince), then Dysport or Botox will help. Even 60-year-old grandmothers walk smoothly, my mother-in-law is 55 - she has a perfect face - peelings, hyaluronic acid, photorejuvenation - EVERYTHING WORKS))) Maybe the doctor is crooked.

I would like to ask, because I have tried everything - mesotherapy, Restylane, creams and much more. The result is 0. The fact is that I have a couple of wrinkles, they appeared a year ago, I decided to fight until the situation worsened, in the initial stage. No results. And I turned to specialists and made endless masks at home and spent a lot of money and nothing. It’s a shame. Has anyone really been able to get rid of wrinkles and how? Please share.

I would like to ask, because I have tried everything - mesotherapy, Restylane, creams and much more. The result is 0.

I wanted to have surgery, Botox, but my friend told me about a new device that gives amazing results in one use! I tried it and was satisfied. In just one application, the visible effect is that the skin is tightened, refreshed, and even resurfaced. I want to buy myself such a device. very easy to use, by the way it’s called galvanic. It’s a pity that it’s not sold in regular stores. I’m personally very pleased and I advise you to try it. and the most important thing is that half the face is done for free. If anyone is interested, I can give my friend’s contact information))) I’m very pleased. I'm just delighted!

I did the procedure once six months ago. “Secrets of Madonna’s youth” are oxygen injections. It helped, the skin literally immediately took on a healthy look. My mother had Thermage done at the same center, and everything was fine too. It's called the Elise Center. It’s strange that they say that Theramzh is not effective, as I understand it, it’s just the opposite

how to get rid of wrinkles

There is nothing wrong with Botox, why do you even think that? It was generally used for medical purposes before. Millions of women do it, but you are still afraid, I honestly don’t understand why. I’ve been injecting him for 5 years now, there’s not a single wrinkle on my forehead, not even a hint. And I'm 39 years old. From strangers, not everyone gives even thirty.

I’m one of those who doubt everything and won’t do anything (And you only inject him in the frontal area?

Yes, I have two horizontal wrinkles there. But for six months after the procedure, I completely forget that I have wrinkles.

Yes, I have two horizontal wrinkles there. But for six months after the procedure, I completely forget that I have wrinkles.

I made Altera systems. Very satisfied. Now this is one of the most popular procedures, every second woman does it. And for good reason, I think. At least I have an excellent result - smooth skin and no wrinkles, firmness.

Have you done Altera all over your face? Or were only specific areas tightened and corrected?

My upper eyelids were drooping. And this was already completely ugly, it added 7 years to my age. In addition, the skin on my face was flabby and there were wrinkles on the forehead, in the corners of the mouth, and around the eyes.

And how did you feel during the procedure? I'm planning to do this, so I'm looking for reviews to make myself even more sure of the right choice.

There was no pain. When I arrived, the cosmetologist simply removed the makeup from my face, anesthetic gel for about 40 minutes, and after that the procedure itself began. The whole procedure took on average about an hour. Time flew by completely unnoticed.

Was there any swelling? Redness?

Well, the swelling was very small and went away completely within a day. It was mainly in the area of ​​the cheekbones and chin. The redness was completely gone after a couple of hours. My eyelids tightened, the wrinkles on my forehead smoothed out.

But what they write is that the result is immediately visible. I read yesterday in the magazine “Beauty Expertiza” about this procedure, they write that the patient will see the result right away. Is this really true?

Yes, because when the cosmetologist did one part of my face, she let me look in the mirror - the transformation was immediately visible there, that the skin became smooth and toned.

Where can I go for a consultation? Where did you have the procedure?

I made a special trip to Moscow to the clinic.

I live in Moscow, can you tell me the name of the clinic and the name of the cosmetologist you treated with?

Blade "Revival", cosmetologist Trukhina.

I took the cream on the advice of Katerina on the forum. I wasn’t too lazy and went to see her. Well what can I say? It doesn't smell great, of course, not like red Moscow, but it's effective. She prepares it for each separately, depending on the skin. I visited her in November. Now I notice that the elasticity of the skin is different from what it was before, the wrinkles near the eyes have disappeared. I think that I will not go to any clinic for any money, especially for injections.

I also recommend Botox, my mother does it periodically - the result is very good, the skin is smooth and looks much younger and wrinkles are smoothed out, she does it in a good salon msk.magspa.ru, that’s why the result is good, so just find a trusted specialist and the result will be excellent!

Mesotherapy should not help! It maintains skin tone, but does not cope with wrinkles. Botulinum toxins (Botox or others) fight existing wrinkles. or fillers - depending on the location of the wrinkles. You obviously haven't had much luck with cosmetologists. They clearly recommended the wrong thing. if you are in Moscow time, go to evita studio. I've been there more than once. Their cosmetology is good. and drugs too. and don't cheat.

I can’t even imagine how I would live without Botox. I've been stabbing him for 7 years now. No wrinkles. Plus fillers in the nasolabial and crow's feet, and a course of biorevitalization once a year is mandatory. I look 30 years old, although I am almost forty.

Tell me, what type of filler do you apply to the nasolabial folds? And in crow's feet? How often and where do you do the procedures?

I also tried all sorts of cosmetic gadgets, bought expensive cosmetics, and wanted to go for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. I felt sorry for myself, I’m not old yet. I watched enough videos on YouTube about gymnastics for the face, started doing the exercises, then my mother gave me the Lulu Ultra exercise machine. And now I see the result. It's all about the sagging of our skin. She must be constantly kept in good shape. If you don't pump up your abs, your belly will hang. It's the same with the face. And these exercises + procedures with a cosmetologist helped me remove some wrinkles

Recently, I began to notice how several wrinkles appeared, so I began to wash my face only with cold water, and I learned about such a concept as coenzyme, I decided to try it too, I took Evalar from the company, and was quite satisfied, the skin became more elastic and firm, with Moreover, these capsules are also absolutely not expensive

Advertising and chemical peeling. Another nanoperforation.

I’m succeeding gradually, I’m 38, I had severe crow’s feet, Botox, rf displays, lifting didn’t help, and all sorts of procedures, it seemed the skin had already died and started to wither, but it turns out there are reserves, you can cope


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Wrinkles under the eyes are something no self-respecting girl should have. However, what to do if the cosmetics market is filled with so many eye creams, masks, serums, hardware rollers, exercises and radical methods that it is difficult to understand what will be the best and most effective for solving the problem of wrinkles around the eyes. That is why, the editors of the magazine WANT.ua decided to conduct an experiment - to try out the most effective remedies, eye creams, and procedures in order to find out and share with you what really eliminates wrinkles around the eyes 100%.

This is not the first time our editors have conducted such experiments. Last time we told you about our experiments with Horse Shampoo, and a little earlier – the topical topic in spring: 5 reasons to use a cream with high SPF. This time, we'll explore the area around the eyes. Will we be able to find something that really deserves attention and not fall into banal advice - get enough sleep, drink more water and reduce stress?


We invited our active reader Ekaterina to our studio.

Ekaterina 29 years old, a clear, youthful oval of the face, elastic skin and very pronounced wrinkles around the eyes, plus dry skin of the eyelids, which immediately add +5 years to age.

Catherine's story: “I haven’t done much work with my face. And I started noticing wrinkles around my eyes about 2 years ago - I bought creams like Yves Rocher, Clinique - I applied them every evening, waiting for something to change. Alas. The situation is really deplorable, since my face is my calling card, I work as a hostess in an expensive restaurant and I need to look great. With nutrition everything is fine, well, the daily routine is, of course, shaky, and I also smoke. But a little. It’s not scary, is it?”

Ekaterina set us the condition that radical methods of influencing wrinkles around the eyes are still too early for her and she wants to start with something softer and neater, but she has a period of 4 months, after which she has a new contract in Dubai and will leave .


We offered her the following scheme:

January – face building + water + nutrition

February – face building + water + nutrition + natural care products

March – Chemical peeling with emphasis on the skin around the eyes + cream with spf

April – Biorevitalization + cream with spf

Naturally, if Ekaterina shows results from the first month, we continue to focus on them without moving to the next stage of the experiment.

Here's what we got:


1. Every morning and evening, do face-building gymnastics for 15 minutes on the area around the eyes.

2. Add more water to your diet - 200 ml (1 glass) before each meal, so that a total of 2 liters comes out.

3. Limit coffee to 1 cup in the morning. Drinks include only green tea. Its volume is not included in the 2 liters of moisture consumed per day

Catherine:“At first I liked the proposed scheme; for the first 3 days, I stood up cheerfully and did exercises in front of the mirror to the music. It seemed to me 1 week and everything would be fine. Then it became harder, I reduced it to 5 minutes a day. And sometimes I skipped evening exercises. I don’t know why, but it was somehow difficult for me to organize myself. There were no issues with water. Saw. But with coffee there is a problem. I often allowed myself 2 and 3 cups. You understand, the work is nervous, you need to keep yourself in good shape. I'm not happy with the result. In my opinion, nothing has changed. The wrinkles near the eyes were and remain.”

A comment:“Indeed, in January, the area around the eyes did not change. Even a controlled larger amount of water, designed to saturate this area, failed. So let's move on to a new scheme."


1. Every morning and evening, do face-building gymnastics for 30 minutes on the area around the eyes.

2. Water and coffee - the same as last month, but strictly

3. Natural skin care products around the eyes - use almond oil, which is written about on the Internet that it is No. 1 in the fight against crow's feet and every morning - an ice cube with chamomile 2-3 glides over the lower and upper eyelids

Catherine:“I don’t know how I survived this whole month. I did everything as in the task - I exfoliated my skin every morning and evening, completely removed coffee, smeared almond oil and ice. I freaked out like I don’t know who. But I don’t know the result. It seems that my skin has become a little moisturized, but in the photographs from my birthday I still have the same appearance. Although I was against cosmetic procedures, it seems that nothing but them will help me.”

A comment:“Ekaterina honestly worked through February, sending daily reports, and we were sincerely surprised that, despite this, the result left much to be desired. We seriously questioned gymnastics, nutrition and natural remedies.”


1. Every 7 days – chemical peeling for the face, focusing on the area around the eyes

2. Every evening - foam with panthenol, for healing and regeneration of the skin after peeling

3. Before going out in the sun, apply a rich cream with SPF 50 (in her case it was a bit too much, but we decided to play it safe).

4. Food, water - no changes, but we were allowed to be more loyal to reports on this item

Catherine:“It wasn’t difficult to go to a cosmetologist every week for peeling. The procedure took 40 minutes and the most important thing is that I saw the result after the first session. The skin began to really smooth out, the wrinkles near the eyes decreased a little, but the dryness was still the same. The cosmetologist told me that only hyaluronic acid - in the form of injections and creams - can nourish and restore a toned appearance to the skin around the eyes. So I can't wait for the next stage. As for the cream with spf - it’s greasy for me, it’s hard to absorb, but there’s nothing you can do, if you can’t live without it, I’ll put up with it.”

A comment:“Over this month, we clearly began to see that the scheme is working. In 3 weeks, Ekaterina’s complexion evened out, her skin became more vibrant and fresh, and the wrinkles under her eyes were less noticeable. The skin in this area is still dry and thin. The lack of nutrition is visible from within. We are waiting for injections and supportive care.”


1. Every 7 days – we continue chemical peeling of the face with an emphasis on the area around the eyes (with the expectation that there will be a total of 10 procedures)

2. Every 10 days – injections of hyaluronic acid into the area around the eyes (biorevitalization)

3. In the evening and in the morning – on the area around the eyes – a professional cream with deeply penetrating biopeptides (in our case it is the “Christina” cream).

4. Every evening - foam with panthenol on the entire facial skin, excluding eyelids, for healing and regeneration of the skin after peeling.

5. Before going out in the sun, apply a rich cream with spf, including under the eyes, on top of a lifting eyelid cream.

6. Food, water - no change.

Catherine:“I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t recognize myself. Is this really me? This acid is just a godsend. Now, on the advice of a cosmetologist, I will go for these injections every six months, they are worth it! Damn, why didn't I know about this before! It took so much time. Thank God, now the situation can still be corrected and quite quickly. So, I wanted to say about the eye cream – it’s mega! Odorless, very easy to apply, quickly absorbed, and most importantly, I really feel how my skin is absorbing every drop - I think even with the naked eye it’s noticeable how much better I look!”

Important! We publish photos of lifting eye creams not for advertising purposes. For home use, any professional series selected for your skin type and epidermis condition is perfect. Helpful advice: pay attention to the active ingredients - the closer they are to the top of the list, the greater the concentration.

Silk EyeLift cream - composition and box

A comment:“We were sincerely delighted at such a positive reaction from Ekaterina and her attitude. April was truly indicative, and although the course of procedures has not yet been completed - she still has 3 more biorevitalization sessions for the skin around the eyes and 2 peelings ahead - we clearly saw which cosmetic schemes for wrinkles near the eyes really work!”

Anastasia Ostroverkhova, Bachelor of Medicine with a degree in Laboratory Diagnostics, specialist in quality, standardization, certification of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products:“I like that Ekaterina switched from almond oil to professional cosmetics. Good creams are not cheap (for example, Christina cream is about $30), but they really work and have a rich composition of great ingredients. For example, in “Christina” - hydrolyzed sesame protein, soybean oil, hydrolyzed rice bran protein, tocopheryl acetate, allantoin, green tea leaf extract, silkworm lipids. What about almond butter? It is better to apply it to the skin of the body after a shower. There will be more sense."

Yulia Ryzleitseva, leading cosmetologist at the Panterra sports and fitness complex, Kharkiv: In the case of Ekaterina, it was clear to me from the very beginning that changing her diet and almond oil would not help her. The skin around the eyes was really very dry, and peelings + biorevitalization dealt with this problem perfectly! It’s good that the girl began to use a professional cream - in her situation, such rich nutrition in the cream is a vital necessity. By the way, if Ekaterina had delayed going to the cosmetologist, after a while the wrinkles under her eyes could only be removed surgically. Everything is fine on time.


Thus, having conducted a new experiment from our magazine editors on the topic “How to remove wrinkles around the eyes,” we can confidently say that your assistants in this difficult task can be: chemical peeling, biorevitalization and professional cosmetics. Be beautiful, well-groomed and follow the experiments and research in the field of beauty in our “Beauty” section.

Inexpensive and folk remedies for wrinkles

Skin aging is an inevitable process. The fight against the first signs of age-related changes - facial wrinkles - comes to the fore for many women. Over time, the skin becomes thinner, pigmentation and sagging appear. How to reduce facial wrinkles, is it possible to prolong youth and beauty? We will try to answer these and other questions in more detail.


Prevention of wrinkles

As skin ages, it loses collagen, a protein that is considered the main building material of the skin, responsible for its smoothness and firmness. The lack of collagen affects the appearance: on the face, especially after 30 years, first small and then deeper wrinkles form. At 50-55 years old, the skin sags and becomes thinner, and at 60 years old, if nothing is done, then you can only dream of clear facial contours. However, the speed of skin aging processes can be brought under control, you just need to take some advice from dermatologists, cosmetologists and aesthetic medicine specialists.

  1. Avoid excessive sun exposure.
  2. Sunscreen will help prevent wrinkles.
  3. Do not smoke. Studies have shown that cigarette smoke negatively affects collagen and elastin, important components of the skin. The skin of a smoker is 40% thinner than that of a non-smoker.
  4. Don't neglect sleep and rest. When you don't get enough sleep, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that destroys skin cells and makes your skin less elastic.
  5. Sleep on your back. Sleeping on your side contributes to the early appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks, chin, eyes and even on the forehead.
  6. Do not strain your eyes when working on a computer or reading. The habit of squinting creates grooves on the skin, which eventually turn into wrinkles. It is also important not to forget to wear sunglasses to protect the thin skin around the eyes from exposure to sunlight.
  7. Eat fish and foods that contain unsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids and many beneficial natural ingredients.

Home remedies for wrinkles

Today, there are natural emollients and moisturizers for wrinkles that help reduce their appearance. Olive oil, rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and E, is used as an effective moisturizer. Just 1 tablespoon of the product is enough to massage your face 2 times a day. The procedure perfectly protects the skin from sun exposure. Olive oil also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which were discussed above.

Among the natural ingredients, one cannot fail to mention green tea lotion, which soothes and tones the skin.

Instead of anti-wrinkle creams, aloe juice is often used, which perfectly smoothes out fine wrinkles. A simple anti-wrinkle mask with aloe juice and honey has a healing effect and dries out problem areas of the skin.

Another folk remedy for wrinkles for dry and irritated skin is chamomile. Preparations based on it have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, quickly soothe the skin, promote cell regeneration and accelerate metabolic processes.

Vaseline prevents early skin aging. Since ancient times, it has been used to protect the skin from dryness, roughness, chapping, and exposure to frost. Vaseline combined with sea salt is an excellent exfoliant. Sea salt is included in many homemade scrub recipes.

To nourish your skin and fight wrinkles, you need to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet every day. Carrots, apples, grapefruit play an important role in maintaining healthy and elastic skin. Banana is also good for these purposes, which can also be used as a mask. Your skin will be like Cleopatra's if you try this mask: mash one banana, add a teaspoon of orange juice and a teaspoon of yogurt, stir and apply to the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. The procedure will help prevent skin aging, remove spots on the face, and replenish vitamin C reserves.

How to remove wrinkles: inexpensive cosmetic masks

Expression wrinkles are also reduced as a result of using a mask with essential cocoa oil and sea buckthorn oil - effective anti-wrinkle remedies.

A mask with grapefruit is also useful. All 2 tablespoons of this tropical fruit are mixed with a tablespoon of kefir, add a little corn flour and mix thoroughly until smooth. Apply the mask to your face for 20 minutes and then wash off with cool water.

Folk recipes for wrinkles on the face also include cream with iodine. To obtain the drug you need honey (1 tablespoon), castor oil (1 tablespoon), petroleum jelly (1 teaspoon) and regular iodine (tincture, 2 drops). The cream is placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator. Use 2-3 times a week, applying for 2 hours and then rinsing off the face with water.

According to reviews, for many women the best remedy for wrinkles is a cosmetic product based on pork fat. Aloe juice and a tablespoon of honey are added to fresh lard melted in a water bath. The molten mass is cooled and applied overnight in a thin layer to the area around the eyes. You can also smear it on your eyelids.