Can foundation be stored in the refrigerator?

Girls, where do you store your foundations in the summer? Have there been any cases of them spoiling in the refrigerator? experts

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If it is not written on the packaging that cosmetics should be stored in the refrigerator, then this should not be done!

yeah.. I was concerned about this myself.. I was looking for a refrigerator for cosmetics last summer - everything was sold out! I feel so sorry for expensive cosmetics (I’m more concerned about skincare, I don’t wear makeup)..

Cosmetics should not be stored in the refrigerator, unless it is written directly on the packaging.
You will ruin everything and it will lose its properties, what a scoop.

I store it in a dark and cool place. I put the foundation in my makeup bag and the makeup bag in my cabinet. And my foundation was spoiling in the refrigerator.. I don’t put it there anymore.

Well, why the scoop, girls even store luxury in the refrigerator, because for example Lancome Teint Idol separates into a liquid and creamy component. but I’m kind of embarrassed to put something in the refrigerator, and I don’t want my cosmetics to spoil.

Vivi - somehow my shine has gone bad. The only time I put the glitter in the refrigerator in the heat of +40. As a result, I had to throw it away.

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Well, why the scoop, girls even store luxury in the refrigerator, because for example Lancome Teint Idol separates into a liquid and creamy component. but I’m kind of embarrassed to put something in the refrigerator, and I don’t want my cosmetics to spoil.

And I have a foundation, the same Lankomovsky one, after it was in the refrigerator it started to drip, so to speak. The water had receded, as if it had been frozen, although I put it down on the door... And without a refrigerator, your cream has spoiled. So now think about how best to store such a cosmetic product..

Well, why the scoop, girls even store luxury in the refrigerator, because for example Lancome Teint Idol separates into a liquid and creamy component. but I’m kind of embarrassed to put something in the refrigerator, and I don’t want my cosmetics to spoil.

Industrial cosmetics can be stored in room conditions without problems, the preservative is designed for this. but in any case, the most destructive thing for any cosmetics (which is an emulsion - that is, toner, any cream, gloss and in general anything that contains water and oil) is the temperature difference. This is why cosmetics spoil when put in the refrigerator - initially you had them at room temperature, and then immediately put them in the cold. In general, it’s not reasonable.

It’s better not to store it in the refrigerator, I once put the foundation in the refrigerator in the summer when it was hot, and when it was time to use it, it spoiled (water leaked from it ((I had to throw it away)

Girls, where do you store your foundations in the summer? Have there been any cases of them spoiling in the refrigerator?


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When we buy high-quality and expensive cosmetics, we expect to use them for as long as possible, but sometimes it’s a shame if after a while the cream separates, the mascara dries out, and the foundation thickens. In addition, spoiled cosmetics cause skin irritation, itching, acne, allergic reactions, and the manufacturers are not to blame - we just don’t know how to store skin care products. Cleansing milk, toners, creams and masks are usually on the shelf in the bathroom, powder, lipstick, eye shadow, eye and lip pencils are on the dressing table in the bedroom, and cosmetics bought in reserve are sent to the refrigerator or corner of the cabinet. We rarely think about where to store cosmetics and do not read instructions for creams, so it would be useful to remember the rules for storing cosmetic products.



Creams, tonics, lotions, masks, other skin care products and decorative cosmetics should never be stored in a damp or warm room, such as a bathroom, as many women do. In humid conditions, microorganisms begin to multiply in creams, especially if the jar is not tightly closed. It is better to store cosmetics indoors away from the sun, then they will last a long time. In the bathroom, leave shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, shower gels, soaps, scrubs, body peels, deodorants and cleansers - they are not afraid of either moisture or high temperatures.


Olga Svetlova, a cosmetologist at the beauty center, knows everything about cosmetics, including how to store them correctly.


“Make sure the packaging is sealed, because if air gets inside, the cream may deteriorate due to oxidation processes. Use a special spatula to take the cream from the jar - this is not only hygienic, but also practical, because the spatula protects the cream from dead skin particles, germs and dust, while the cream remains fresh and lasts longer. It is better to apply masks with special brushes - naturally, the spatula and brush should be rinsed well after use. After opening a jar of cream, do not throw away the protective plastic lid - it protects the contents from dirt and bacteria. And one more piece of advice: it’s best to store cosmetics containing alcohol, such as lotions, in a cabinet away from the sun and air, because if the lid is poorly closed, they evaporate quickly.”

There are signs by which you can understand that cosmetics have begun to deteriorate: their color, consistency and smell change, the texture becomes watery and uneven, and a layer of yellowish oil appears on the surface.


No matter how expensive nail polish is, it dries out easily, and some women dilute it with acetone. This is not the best way to reanimate varnish, since acetone destroys its structure, the varnish adheres worse, cracks after drying and does not last long. Do not let the varnish dry out; store it in a cool place with the lid tightly closed, but do not put it in the refrigerator, where it will become too thick and viscous. Buy varnish with metal balls, which do not allow it to dry for a long time and provide a uniform structure when applied.


For eye and lip pencil, the most important thing is a clean sharpener, which usually accumulates a lot of germs, so after each use the sharpener should be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried. In this case, the pencil will last at least two years. Mascara usually does not last long - a maximum of 3-4 months, but this is also a great success, since if stored improperly it can dry out much earlier. Do not keep the mascara near heat sources, screw the lid tightly and make sure that no traces of mascara remain on the neck.


“You need to use mascara carefully. The fact is that microbes accumulate on the brush, and you can easily get them into your eyes. If you used mascara during the period when you had conjunctivitis or barley, do not regret it and throw it away, otherwise a relapse of the disease is possible. Also, do not dilute mascara with water to avoid infections.”

Eye shadow, powder and blush will last up to three years if the sponge, puff, applicator or brush is kept separately and changed frequently. Lipstick, cream powder, and lip gloss usually last for a year, and dry formulations that need to be diluted with water, such as clay or mineral powder, are suitable for use for five years.


There is an opinion that cosmetics are preserved well at low temperatures, so many people place them in the refrigerator. In fact, most cosmetics thrive at room temperature or slightly below, and the refrigerator is not for everyone. Eye creams, sunscreens, medicinal and organic cosmetics are perfectly stored in the refrigerator, and should be treated in the same way as food products. You can also keep oily cosmetics in the refrigerator - lip gloss, solid foundation, reflective concealer, as well as products with fruit acids, peptides and DNA fragments.

It is strictly not recommended to keep eye and lip pencils, liquid foundation and lipstick in the cold, since low temperatures change their structure. As a result, they fit differently on the skin, and it becomes not very comfortable to use them - for example, pencils become even harder, and it is more difficult to apply contour with them. Products containing oils, such as oil-based eye makeup remover or oil masks, should not be stored in the refrigerator. Some products are more pleasant to apply cold, so they can be kept in the refrigerator, such as thermal water, masks with algae, cucumber and aloe. Remember that the expiration date of a cosmetic product indicated on the packaging usually applies to packaged creams, but as soon as you open them and begin to actively use them, new dates come into effect - usually no more than a year. If your cosmetics have reached the end of their shelf life or have begun to deteriorate, do not regret the money spent and part with them without regrets - health is more valuable!

Almost 90% of girls use foundation in their makeup every day. A good half of them store this product incorrectly. Daily make-up that is expired and infested with germs is common.

In this article we will tell you how to properly store foundation. Let's determine the most optimal location. Let's find out how not to “plant” bacteria in the product and not create favorable flora for their reproduction.

Proper storage of foundation, BB cream and makeup base

• The main thing is no tanning

The most common mistake girls make is storing cosmetics near a natural light source.

As a rule, the table for applying make-up is located near the window. Of course, all products are nearby. For a foundation, such proximity to the sun is simply incompatible. When exposed to rays, chemical changes occur in the composition, which can subsequently cause allergic reactions, clogging of pores, and their infection.

A similar story can also occur under the influence of artificial light - if a classic incandescent light bulb is located nearby (it gets very hot).

• No heat

Another “profitable” place that girls choose to organize cosmetics storage is the window sill. Most often, it is under it that the battery is located. The heat from it causes all the ingredients to cook. In the literal sense of the word.

The optimal temperature for storing foundation is from +4 to +22.

• With light frost

Cosmetologists recommend storing foundation in the refrigerator. First, you will avoid exposure to sunlight and heat. Secondly, the cooled product will remove slight swelling and exhibit a lifting effect.

Application – how not to breed bacteria

Perhaps for some, these tips will seem banal, however, according to cosmetologists, the majority “dig in” on these mistakes.

• Picking up the product with your fingers

Foundation from a bottle without a dispenser or “measuring spout” must be scooped out with a glass rod pre-treated in an alcohol solution. Never use your fingers!

• Cleaning the “spout”

If you use foundation with a spout or in the form of a tube, try to remove any residue from the surface on which the cream has come into contact.
The thing is that the remaining cream begins to oxidize. In the worst case, bacteria can “settle” on them (smeared with a finger or a sponge). The next makeup - these residues end up on the face, right in the pores.

Important Rules

  1. If the foundation has changed color or smell, feel free to throw it away;
  2. It is not the best option to cut the packaging to remove the remaining product (usually on the walls of the tube) - bacteria will inevitably settle in the tone;
  3. It is not recommended to borrow foundation, much less provide personal brushes and sponges for it;
  4. Before applying foundation, use a base coat.

These seemingly elementary rules are very rarely observed. This is where various redness, rashes, and peeling occur. If you try to follow the advice, the foundation will last longer, and its quality will not change throughout its shelf life.