
Mucofluid is a mucolytic agent that contains an active substance called mesna. This drug is used to treat various respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive bronchitis and asthma.

The manufacturer of the drug, the company YUSB S.A., was founded in Belgium in 1910. One of the international names of Mucofluid is a mixture of an active substance called Mesna and other chemicals that achieve the desired effect.

The pharmacological effect of the drug is to dilute sputum and facilitate its clearance from the respiratory tract. It helps get rid of chronic coughs due to obstructive pulmonary disease. Including chronic bronchitis and asthma. With obstructive pulmonary disease, thickening of the mucous membrane is often observed, which makes expectoration difficult. The drug helps to liquefy sputum, which facilitates its separation from the walls of the respiratory tract and speeds up the patient’s recovery. Contraindications for Mucoflug include high sensitivity to thiol derivatives, general weakness and bronchial asthma without thickening of sputum in the respiratory system. Possible side effects in the form of dyspepsia, bronchospastic action, allergic reactions, diarrhea or hematuric disorder.

It should be remembered that the use of Mucoflaid should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient