Muscle that lifts the scapulae (M. Levator Scapulae, Pna, Bna, Jna)

The levator scapulae, also known as the levator scapulae, is an important muscle in the shoulder girdle. It starts from the upper cervical vertebrae and attaches to the upper corner of the scapula. Its function is to elevate the scapula and rotate it around its axis, allowing movement of the arm and shoulder.

The levator scapulae muscle has several important branches, including the pna, bna, and jna. The pna branch starts from the posterior surface of the cervical vertebrae and passes downwards and to the inner side of the scapula. Bna starts from the lower edge of the scapula and runs up and to the inside of the cervical vertebrae. Jna starts from the top of the cervical vertebrae and runs down and to the inside of the scapula.

As mentioned, the levator scapulae muscle plays an important role in arm and shoulder movement, allowing the scapula to be lifted and rotated around its axis. It also helps keep the scapula in proper position, which is important for preventing injury and allowing the many other muscles and joints in the shoulder girdle to function properly.

However, like any other muscle in the body, the levator scapulae muscle can become subject to painful conditions and injuries. Some of the most common problems associated with this muscle include levator scapulae syndrome and muscle spasm.

Levator scapulae syndrome is associated with a variety of factors, including muscle damage, strain, injury, and other problems in the shoulder girdle. Symptoms may include neck and shoulder pain, limited movement, and muscle weakness.

Muscle spasm, on the other hand, can be caused by many factors, including muscle strain, injury, and other problems in the shoulder girdle. Symptoms may include severe neck and shoulder pain, limited movement, and muscle weakness.

Overall, the levator scapulae muscle is an important element of the shoulder girdle, allowing proper movement of the arm and shoulder. However, problems with this muscle can be painful and limiting, so it is important to see a doctor if you experience any symptoms related to this muscle.