Muscle, Brachial Posterior (M. Brachialis Posterior)

The brachialis posterior muscle (M. brachialis posterior), also called the posterior brachialis muscle, is one of the shoulder muscles that is located on the back of the shoulder. It has the shape of a triangle and consists of three parts: the long head, the short head and the broad muscle. The long head originates from the scapula and runs along the posterior surface of the humerus, and the short head originates from the posterior surface of the scapula and ends on the anterior surface of the humerus. The broad muscle starts from the front surface of the humerus and ends on the back surface of the scapula.

The function of the brachialis posterior muscle is to extend the elbow joint. It is also involved in shoulder abduction and forearm internal rotation. It also helps keep your shoulder in the correct position during work or physical activity.

The brachialis posterior muscle is an important element in maintaining shoulder health and preventing the development of diseases such as sprains and torn ligaments. Regular exercise of this muscle can help strengthen it, improve flexibility and prevent injury.

Thus, the brachialis posterior muscle plays an important role in the functioning of the shoulder and maintaining its health. Exercises for this muscle will help strengthen it and prevent the development of injuries.