Muscle, Papillary Septales (M. Papillares Septales, Pna)

Muscle, papillary septal (M. Papillares Septales, Pna) is a term related to the anatomy of the heart. It is used to describe a specific muscle that is found inside the chambers of the heart. This term can be found in the "List of Anatomical Terms" under number 668.

The heart is one of the most important organs of the human body. It plays a key role in maintaining blood circulation, ensuring the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs. The heart consists of four chambers: the right atrium, the left atrium, the right ventricle and the left ventricle. Each of these chambers has its own unique structure and function.

The muscle, papillary septal, or M. Papillares Septales, Pna, is one of the muscles that is located inside the heart. It is located on the septum between the right ventricle and the right atrium. As its name suggests, this muscle is shaped like a papilla and attaches to the heart valves through tendinous structures called papillae.

The function of the muscle, the papillary septum, is to maintain the proper functioning of the heart valves. The papillae attached to the valves contract and relax along with the general contractions of the heart. This allows the valves to open and close effectively, allowing blood to flow one way and preventing backflow.

The papillary septal muscles play an important role in maintaining normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. If these muscles become damaged or do not function properly, it can cause the heart valves to malfunction. This can cause heart murmurs, stenosis (narrowing), or incompetence of the valves, which can eventually lead to heart failure and other heart problems.

In conclusion, the papillary septal muscle (M. Papillares Septales, Pna) is an important structure within the heart responsible for maintaining the normal functioning of the heart valves. Understanding its structure and function is important for the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. Further research in this area could help expand our knowledge of the structure and function of the heart and lead to the development of new treatments for cardiovascular disease.