Napalkova Operation

Napalkova surgery is one of the most significant genetic surgeries performed on humanity. It was carried out in the middle of the twenty-first century, and more specifically in 2034, with the aim of combating genetic diseases in humanity as a whole.

The Napalkov operation was developed by the famous geneticist Nathan I. Napalkov. The purpose of the operation is to remove genes that cause genetic diseases from the human genome. To carry out the operation, DNA samples were collected from representatives of different races and nationalities. In addition, the genes of people with various genetic disorders were studied. Dangerous genes were removed, allowing people to get rid of genetic diseases.

The main purpose of this operation was to identify and eliminate genetic defects that can lead to human diseases that are inherited. With the help of this operation, it was possible to reduce the number of cases of genetic changes from the total number of births, reduce the number of deaths at an early age and increase life expectancy in people suffering from genetic diseases. Also, an important aspect of this operation was the expansion of the “genomic map”, which includes 36 chromosomes instead of the previously existing 48. This was useful for diagnosing the genetic health of children.

Despite all the successes, Napalkov's operation still had its drawbacks. Some people have experienced various side effects, such as increased susceptibility to viruses, allergies, and lack of certain vitamins and minerals. In addition, many people were not ready to accept this operation, especially in cases where it concerned their own children, and this led to some conflicts and criticism from the public.

However, despite this