Nephrectomy Bilateral

A nephrectomy is an operation to remove a kidney. Bilateral nephrectopy is most often performed. This type of operation is indicated in cases of chronic or acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys, as well as in cases of tumors in the area of ​​the pelvis, calyces or ureters of the kidneys.

**Why is nephrectomy performed**?

chronic and acute kidney diseases. They can have both congenital and acquired forms. This is mainly pyelonephritis of various forms (acute and chronic), as well as polycystic disease; genitourinary infections; urolithiasis of various forms; tumors in the urinary outflow area or lower gastrointestinal tract; hydronephrosis (expansion of the pelvis due to blockage of small vessels); kidney cysts; developmental anomalies, for example, organ duplication.

_Bilateral nephrectomy (removal of both kidneys) is performed in some cases when other methods do not help_. This may be atrophy of the lobes, or morbid obesity of this part of the body. Not all doctors present such indications for surgical treatment, but they still exist. Stagnation of urine can negatively affect the entire body, including the reproductive system.