Neurodermatitis Linear

Neurodermatitis Linear is one of the most common skin diseases. It is detected more often in men.

First, let's understand the terminology and basic concepts. What is Neurodermatitis? This disease is neurogenic dermatitis. This pathology develops against the background of disturbances in the nervous regulation of trophic processes in the skin. Important! People suffering from Linear neurodermatitis can both aggravate it under the influence of stress and experience some improvement under the influence of sedatives.

Linear Neurodermatitis affects men more often; women suffer from neuroderma lichen much less frequently. As a rule, the disease begins in people aged 40–50 years. At the onset of the disease, patients complain of the appearance of transverse (Sudek's lines) on the skin, which are located only on the torso and never appear on the face

Most often, Sudek Lines are found on the thighs, calves, sternum, and sometimes on the back and neck. These lines have their own characteristics. On both sides of the body, they have similar symmetry. At the base of the sacrum, lines are located parallel to this organ. However, it is important to emphasize that Sudek Lines can be completely asymmetrical, but rarely occupy more than 90% of the affected area. This pathology can take a long time, but with proper treatment, complete recovery is observed.

The cause of the disease is considered to be dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Sudek's Lines are most common in tropical countries. This is due to the fact that their appearance is affected by high humidity and hot climate. It is noteworthy that neuroderma is dependent on race. So in Russia, neuroderma more often develops in people of the Mongoloid and Caucasian races. Moreover, in Israel, people of European descent are most susceptible to this disease. It is also believed that the geographic location where a person was born matters. Residents of the Southern Hemisphere suffer from this disease much less frequently than people from northern latitudes.

Neurodermatitis lichen occurs in 70–80% of the inhabitants of Africa and Ethiopia. Also, many skin pathologies develop specifically in residents of tropical countries with a humid climate. Such diseases include neurodermatitis Buschke-Fuchsmann lichen and neurodermatitis dermatitis of the Yoker sole.

Currently, there is no consensus among experts as to why the development of neurodermatosus lichen occurs. Some believe that the cause of these symptoms lies in heredity. Other scientists believe that the disease occurs due to the accumulation of carbohydrates in the intercellular space of the skin

The causes of neurogenic dysfunction itself are also controversial. Violations of the cellular structure are identified as provoking factors, such as:

allergic reaction, water-salt imbalance, dysfunction of the hormonal system, various infections, damage to the lymphatic system, increased sensitivity of nerve endings. At the same time, chronic cholecystitis is often diagnosed. The cause of nervous system failures is not fully understood; scientists identify only risk factors, including stress and lack of sleep. Also