Nerve Ampullary Posterior

The ampullary nerve (posterior) (synonyms: bone trunk of the posterior nerve, bone posterior nerve) is a mixed nerve connecting the spinal cord with the lower root of the 5th lumbar chord. The superior root connects to the spinal cord at the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra. The bony posterior trunk joins the lumbar trunk and, together with it, enters the dural sac. The superior branch of the trunk runs near the inner edge of the lateral iliac shaft. The saphenous anterior trunk follows the inferior branch of the symphysis on the medial side, passes through the greater sciatic foramen and descends along the posterior surface of the thigh. The inferior root is attached to the obturator internus muscle. Posterior to this nerve lie the greater and lesser trochanters of the femur. The posterior cutaneous nerve of the thighs originates from the intermediate nerve (5th lumbar, 5th thoracic), which ascends around the knee near the inner part of the tibia and enters the saphenous fascia. It then continues as the posterior cutaneous trunk onto the lower leg. This branch has two tracts: posterior and anterior. The hare and its anastomosis with the transcutaneous