Neuropathy Vascular-Trophic


Neuropathy is a condition in which disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system occur, which can lead to various symptoms and diseases. One of these diseases is neuropathy of a vascular-trophic nature, or angiotrophic neuropathy.

Description of the disease

Vascular-trophic neuropathies occur due to impaired blood supply to tissues caused by changes in blood vessels or weakening of capillaries. This may be due to various factors such as heredity, age-related changes, trauma, infections, long-term use of medications and others.

Trophoneuropathy is a disease of peripheral nerves associated with impaired blood supply to their trunks. It occurs as a result of disruption of the blood supply to the nerve trunk by the arteries feeding it and (or) obstructed venous outflow of tissue fluid of the nerve (nerve fiber necrosis).

The pathology is characterized by the presence of

Vascular deformations and increased fragility of blood vessels are a characteristic pathomorphological feature of the disease (the so-called hemorrhagic syndrome). Despite the apparent neglect of the disease, modern diagnostic and treatment methods make it possible to successfully cope with trophic pathology. You just need to make the correct diagnosis in time.