
Nifedipine, Nifedipinum, Group II of the WHO - the active ingredients of the drug Nifecarda - a group of dihydropyridones. This is the hydrochloride of the potassium salt of dinitrate of the basic ester of dipiperidine - one of the main derivatives of dihybrylpyridine. The drug blocks calcium channels - Na^+, Ca^++ ATPases of the membrane, dilates peripheral vessels and thereby improves blood supply. Currently, two drugs from this group are used in clinical practice - amlodipine and nifecaride (the latter is somewhat more effective and has a number of advantages). But the prescription of these drugs is possible only by an experienced doctor, since if used incorrectly, adverse reactions of varying severity are possible. - Indications for the drug: arterial hypertension (including crisis cases), preventive treatment of attacks of chronic ventricular angina, coronary and essential hypertension. Pharmacological action: has a pronounced vasodilator property. Contraindications: individual intolerance (especially allergic shock and acute bronchial asthma), Prinzmetal's angina, acute phase of myocardial infarction in the first 8-16 days of illness, cardiogenic shock of any etiology, severe obstructive form of AS, Raynaud's disease. For other indications, there is insufficient research on the effect of the drug on the fetus, but still the use is limited in certain stages of pregnancy (II-III trimester) and the period of breastfeeding; instructions for use of the drug and overdose describe in detail possible side effects and methods of emergency countermeasures. Instructions for use emphasize the need for strictly individual selection of doses for adults and children over 13 years of age. Drivers should be especially careful in professions that require