Protection of Motherhood and Childhood

Maternal and childhood health care is a system of state and public medical and social measures aimed at protecting and strengthening a woman’s health, giving birth and raising a healthy child. In the USSR, this system was based on legislation on the protection of women's labor, the labor of pregnant and nursing mothers, the social and legal protection of mothers and children, as well as a wide network of special treatment and preventive institutions providing obstetric, gynecological and pediatric care.

The main objectives of maternal and child health were the prevention and reduction of maternal and infant mortality, the birth of healthy children, improving the working and living conditions of pregnant women and mothers, ensuring proper medical supervision, care and nutrition for pregnant women, women in labor, nursing mothers and children.

To solve these problems, a network of specialized medical institutions was deployed - maternity hospitals, antenatal clinics, dairy kitchens, children's clinics and nurseries. Various benefits were also provided for pregnant women and mothers with young children. As a result, the USSR managed to achieve a significant reduction in maternal and infant mortality and improved children's health.

Maternal and child health care is a system of state and public measures aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of women and children. This system was created in the USSR within the framework of legislation on labor protection for women, pregnant and nursing mothers, and social and legal protection of mothers and children. In addition, in the USSR there was a wide network of medical institutions that provided obstetric, gynecological and pediatric care to women and children.

The protection of motherhood and childhood also included measures to combat child mortality, morbidity and disability. Within this system, special institutions were created, such as maternity hospitals, kindergartens and schools, which provided medical, psychological and educational assistance to women, children and families.

In the modern world, the protection of motherhood and childhood remains a pressing problem. Many women face health problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth, as well as low standards of living and education. In this regard, it is necessary to continue to develop the system of maternal and child health care, including medical and social services, as well as improving the living conditions of women and children in Russia.