Oxytetracycline Dihydrate

Oxytetracycline dihydrate belongs to the group of antibiotics - tetracyclines.

Oxytetracycline dihydrate is a broad-spectrum antibacterial drug. It is active against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, chlamydia, rickettsia, spirochetes.

The international nonproprietary name of the drug is Oxytetracycline dihydrate.

Oxytetracycline dihydrate inhibits protein synthesis on bacterial ribosomes. This leads to disruption of the life processes of the bacterial cell and its death.

The drug is used for infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to oxytetracycline.

Oxytetracycline dihydrate is available in the form of tablets, capsules, powder for oral suspension, and also as a solution for injection.