Onychia Piococcus

Onychia Piococcus: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Onychia pyococcica (O. pyococcica) is an infectious disease of the nails caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This infection can affect both fingernails and toenails and is often accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. In this article we will look at the causes, symptoms and treatment methods for onychia pyococcus.

Onychia pyococcus usually develops due to contact with the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This bacterium is often found in the environment, such as soil and water, and is able to enter the body through microtrauma or damaged nail plates. Several factors may increase the risk of developing Onychia pyococcus, including poor nail care, wearing tight shoes, trauma to the nails, and poor circulation to the extremities.

Onychia pyococcal can present with a variety of symptoms, including changes in nail color. Infection can cause nails to appear greenish-black and cause the nail plate to break down or peel off. Other symptoms may include tenderness, swelling and inflammation around the nail, as well as pus discharge. In some cases, an unpleasant odor may occur.

Treatment for onychia pyococcus usually involves a combination of drug therapy and nail care. Your doctor may prescribe topical antimicrobials or oral antibiotics to fight the infection. If necessary, it may be necessary to remove part or all of the nail to gain access to the infected area and speed up the healing process. It is important to follow all doctor's recommendations and follow nail care instructions to prevent re-infection.

The following measures can help prevent the development of Onychia pyococcus:

  1. Wash and dry your nails regularly, especially after contact with dirt or moisture.
  2. Avoid tight shoes, which can put pressure on your toenails and promote infection.
  3. If necessary, use protective equipment such as rubber gloves to prevent contact with harmful substances and avoid damage to your nails.

Onychia pyococcal is a serious nail disease that requires timely treatment. If you experience symptoms that indicate a nail infection, it is recommended that you see a doctor. Only a qualified medical specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

In conclusion, Onychia pyococcus is a nail infection caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It can lead to changes in nail color, destruction of the nail plate and other unpleasant symptoms. Treatment for this disease includes the use of medication, possible removal of the infected part of the nail, and good hygiene. Preventing Onychia pyococcus includes taking good care of your nails and preventing injury.

It is important to remember that this article provides general information and does not replace consultation with your local doctor or specialist. If you are experiencing symptoms of Onychia pyococcus or other nail problems, it is recommended that you contact a medical professional for professional advice and treatment.