Oppel-Polikarpov Method

The Oppel-Polikarpov method (V. A. Oppel, 1872-1932, Soviet surgeon; S. N. Polikarpov, Soviet surgeon) is a surgical operation to restore the ureter using an intestinal segment.

The method was proposed by Soviet surgeons Vladimir Oppel and Sergei Polikarpov in the 20s of the 20th century. It is used for injuries, tumors, or congenital defects of the ureter. The essence of the method is to replace the damaged section of the ureter with a fragment of the patient’s small or large intestine. This allows you to restore the patency of the ureter and the outflow of urine from the kidney to the bladder.

The Oppel-Polikarpov technique is still used in urological practice when plastic reconstruction of the ureter is necessary. This operation allows you to preserve kidney function and avoid its removal.

Oppel-Polikarpov method: historical review

The Oppel-Polikarpov method is a method of surgical treatment that was developed by Soviet surgeons Vladimir Aleksandrovich Oppel (1872-1932) and Sergei Nikolaevich Polikarpov (1883-1960). This method was named after these two outstanding surgeons, who made significant contributions to the development of surgery and medical science in general.

History of the method

The Oppel-Polikarpov method was developed at the beginning of the 20th century and was used to treat various diseases such as appendicitis, hernias and other surgical pathologies. This method is based on the principle of preserving an organ or part of an organ, which avoids complications and improves treatment results.

To perform the operation using the Oppel-Polikarpov method, a special instrument was used - the so-called “beak” (beak-shaped clamp). This instrument made it possible to grasp the organ and hold it during surgery, which greatly facilitated the surgeon’s work and reduced the risk of complications.

Application of the method

Today, the Oppel-Polikarpov method is used to treat various surgical pathologies, such as hernias, appendicitis, intestinal fistulas and other diseases. This method allows you to save an organ or part of an organ, which reduces the risk of complications and improves treatment results. In addition, the Oppel-Polikarpov method is one of the most effective methods for treating abdominal wall hernias.