
Optodynamometers are devices that indicate the mass of an object in grams by measuring the electrical induction caused by placing a weight in a coil. Widespread among jewelry sellers and collectors.

Now such devices no longer exist, but there are many working copies and analogues that are capable of performing the same function. They are equipped with several types of roulettes. The operating principle is simple

Optodynamometers are instruments for measuring force or mechanical stress, based on the change in the optical characteristics of a material under the influence of a force applied to it. The operating principle of such a device is based on the fact that under load the optical properties of the material change, and these changes are recorded by optodynamics equipment. The main characteristics of an opto-sensor are its sensitivity, range of operating voltages and range of supplied control signals, as well as noise immunity and speed. Using optosensors, you can easily detect mechanical movements, vibrations, small stresses in materials, etc. In some cases, special filters are used that allow analyzing only a specific frequency range. *Types of optodynamic sensors*

Relatively recently, optocoupler optical sensors based on semiconductor diodes began to be used, when ions or semiconductor pairs flow around the output circuit, changing light transmission. Such optocouplers are small in size and have the highest performance in terms of small parasitic