Theca cell tumor

Thecacellular tumor A tumor or neoplasm that does not have a specific type and causes cancer. Thecar cells are a tumor marker that can indicate the presence of In gynecology, there are up to 6 tumors: 1) bilateral recurrent. Additional bumps may appear on either side of the primary bump. They are formed for one reason - an abnormal substance enters the body with the blood. In pathology, tumor markers CEA and CYFRA 21-1 are not detected. The biochemical tumor marker HE-4 may be overestimated. It is possible that different lumps are lesions of the mammary glands, but experts count them in one number. The same indicators of ultrasound and mammography help make a diagnosis. 2) double-sided. Treatment tactics in this situation are surgical removal of the cones and lymphadenectomy (sampling of the lymph that surrounds the tumor). 3) one-sided constants. Half of the women are treated according to different methods. But all diseases can be cured! When a bilateral tumor is confirmed, the question arises of removing the second lump if the patient is in good shape. If we are talking about young women who give birth, then surgery is next to breastfeeding. During treatment, it is recommended to transfer the child to relatives for the period of lactation, leaving them with your breast. Surgical procedures are performed on the basal layer of 4) unilateral tumor + reactive tissue. This is too difficult and risky an option. The patient does not undergo radical surgery. A partial resection of the mammary gland is performed, and an implant made of artificial tissue is placed on the operated breast. 5) unilateral neoplasm without differentiation 6) Paget's nodular cancer 4% of all cancers occur in the genital organs. Women and men are susceptible to them. Another word for pathology is fibroadenoma. There are several types of fibroadenomas. They usually do not cause cancerous cells to grow. Almost all small tumors are curable. Most species are discovered after routine examination, and the largest ones are removed surgically. In elderly patients, fibroadenomas often develop into malignant tumors. Most cases are diagnosed during a routine examination. Sometimes it is possible to find a benign tumor in the gynecological chair, and it is even easier to detect it with an ultrasound examination. Both methods must be included in the schedule of regular examinations of patients of any gender and age. As a preventive measure, fibroadenomas are prescribed every week from the age of 9 years. Benign tumors are not associated with age. An exception is fibrolipomas, a type of fibroadenomas that affect the area around the artery. Fibrolipomas are accompanied by obesity. Their occurrence overweight, but treatment does not determine excess body weight and constitutional characteristics of the body. Neoplasms no no