
Othematomas are hemorrhages that form when the tissue of the brain and its membrane is damaged as a result of injury or disease. Othematoses can be dangerous to human health and life, so they should be treated immediately.

Othematology is a science that studies the nature and treatment of these diseases. It includes diagnosis, surgical treatment and medication

Hematomas (hematomatic defects of the skull) are the area of ​​the skull where a hematoma occurred after a bruise or fracture. With hematoma, rupture of the muscle tissue and membrane, as well as disruption of the blood supply in this area, can occur. Symptoms The first symptom of hematoma is a change in skin color in the damaged area, which becomes purplish-blue. The following symptoms may also occur: - headache - dizziness (possible fainting) - nausea and vomiting - bleeding from the nose and ears.

Treatment If you have a hematoma, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. Depending on the size of the hematomas and their location, the following measures may be recommended: - apply cold on the head (ice or a heating pad) for 4-8 hours after the blow to the head; - bed rest; - in case of severe bleeding, removal of the hematomal membrane from the inside with soft tuffers is sometimes indicated.