Paracystitis Prevesical

Paracystitis is an inflammation near the bladder that can be caused by various reasons.

Paracystitis can occur due to an infection of the bladder or urethra, as well as due to other diseases such as cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma and cancer. If not treated promptly, the disease can lead to serious complications.

To prevent paracystitis, you should adhere to the basic rules of prevention:

• Minimize the use of salt and spices during cooking; • Maintain fluid intake; • Avoid hypothermia or overheating of the body; • Avoid excessive physical activity; • Take medications as prescribed by your doctor (if necessary).

What is Prepusic Paracystitis? Paracystitis is a pathological condition in which inflammation of the peri-vesical tissue is noted. It is either an inflammatory process of the perivesical formations themselves, localized at the posterior wall of the pelvic cavity, or their damage due to surgical interventions or injuries.

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