Paranephritis Fibrous-Lipomatous

Fibrous-lipomatous paranephritis is a chronic inflammation of the perinephric tissue, which is accompanied by the growth of connective and adipose tissue in it.

The causes of fibro-lipomatous paranephritis are chronic urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and renal tuberculosis. The disease is often asymptomatic and discovered incidentally during examination for other reasons.

Diagnosis is based on ultrasound, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. These methods make it possible to identify thickening and heterogeneity of the perinephric tissue, the presence of fatty inclusions and areas of fibrosis.

Treatment of fibro-lipomatous paranephritis is usually conservative - aimed at eliminating the causative disease. Surgical intervention is rarely required when severe pain or compression of surrounding organs occurs.

The prognosis with adequate therapy is favorable. The disease has little effect on kidney function.