
Paraphimosis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Paraphimosis is a serious condition that occurs when the penis becomes pinched by a narrow area of ​​skin called phimosis. Phimosis is a condition in which the skin flap covering the head of the penis is too narrow to be extended, causing it to become stuck. If phimosis is not treated, it can lead to paraphimosis.

Symptoms of paraphimosis include but are not limited to: swelling, tenderness, redness and itching in the penile area. If these symptoms go untreated, more serious problems may occur, such as penile tissue necrosis, infections, and even loss of sexual function.

Causes of paraphimosis can range from injury to infection. The risk of developing this condition increases if you have poor penile hygiene, diabetes, using the wrong condoms, or have other medical problems such as yeast.

Treatment for paraphimosis may include various methods depending on the severity of the disease. In some cases, surgery may be required. However, in milder cases, treatment may be non-invasive and include the use of medications, as well as the use of compresses and topical agents to reduce inflammation and soreness.

Overall, paraphimosis is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment. If you notice any of the above symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor to receive appropriate treatment.

Paraphimosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Paraphimosis is a medical condition that is characterized by the entrapment of the exposed genital head (gland) of the penis behind a narrow covering of skin, known as phimosis. As a result of this compression, patients may experience significant discomfort and risk of developing serious complications. In this article we will look at the causes of paraphimosis, its symptoms and available treatment methods.

Causes of paraphimosis:

Paraphimosis usually occurs as a result of improper manipulation of the genital organ or improper care for it. Here are some common causes of paraphimosis:

  1. Incorrect displacement of the skin: If the patient has phimosis that tightly grips the gland of the penis, incorrect displacement of the skin back can lead to pinching of the genital head.

  2. Trauma: Traumatic injury to the genital organ, such as a blow or severe stretching, can cause paraphimosis.

  3. Incorrect use of condoms: Improper removal of the condom or sliding it backwards after intercourse can lead to paraphimosis.

Symptoms of paraphimosis:

Patients suffering from paraphimosis may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Swelling and Pain: Pinching the glans causes swelling and pain in the penis area.

  2. Difficulty urinating: Paraphimosis can lead to difficulty urinating due to limited access to the urethra.

  3. Redness and inflammation: The area around the pinched glans may become red and inflamed.

  4. Burning or itching sensation: Patients may experience a burning or itching sensation in the tight genital area.

Treatment of paraphimosis:

Paraphimosis is a medical condition that requires immediate attention. Here are a few treatments that may be used:

  1. Manually moving the glans back: In some cases, your doctor may try to manually push the pinched glans back into place by applying gentle pressure to the skin of the penis.

  2. Partial resection of phimosis: If paraphimosis recurs frequently, your doctor may recommend partial removal of a thin layer of skin (phimosis) to prevent recurrences of paraphimosis.

  3. Surgery: Some serious cases may require surgery. Surgery may involve removing phimosis or creating incisions in the narrow skin of the penis to prevent re-entrapment of the glans.

  4. Pain-relieving ointments and lotions: To relieve the symptoms of paraphimosis, your doctor may prescribe pain-relieving ointments or lotions to help reduce swelling and inflammation.

It is important to note that self-medication or attempts to manually return the penis may worsen the condition. If symptoms of paraphimosis appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to receive professional medical help.

Paraphimosis is a serious condition that requires medical attention. Timely diagnosis and treatment can prevent complications and reduce the risk of recurrent cases of paraphimosis. If you have any doubts or symptoms, you should consult a qualified physician for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.