
Parasitocenosis is a collection of organisms that live in the host’s body and parasitize on it. In this case, the term “parasite” means not only helminth parasites, but also all microorganisms, viruses and other organisms that cause disease.

Parasitocenoses can be found in a variety of organisms, including humans, animals and plants. They can be both harmful and beneficial to the host organism. For example, the human intestines contain parasites that help digest food and absorb nutrients. However, if the number of parasites exceeds the norm, this can lead to serious illnesses.

In order to determine the presence of parasitocenosis, it is necessary to conduct a stool or blood test for the presence of parasites. If the test results are positive, then you need to consult a doctor to prescribe treatment.

In general, parasitic communities are an important part of the ecosystem of humans and animals, and their study helps to better understand the mechanisms of interaction between humans and the environment.