Perfusion Sample

Perfusion Sample

Perfusion test (syn. acid perfusion, acid perfusion) is a diagnostic method that is used to assess the blood supply to organs and tissues. It is based on the introduction of an acidic solution into the patient’s body, which causes vasodilation and an increase in blood flow in the tissues.

When performing a perfusion test, the patient is given an intravenous solution of an acid, such as citric or lactic. The acid quickly spreads through the vessels and causes capillaries to dilate and increase blood supply to tissues. At the same time, the color of the tissues changes, which makes it possible to assess their blood supply.

Acid perfusion is used in medicine to diagnose various diseases, such as coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular accident, vascular thrombosis and others. This method can also be used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment of vascular diseases.

In conclusion, we can say that perfusion tests are an important method for diagnosing various diseases of blood vessels and body tissues. They allow you to assess the blood supply to organs and tissues and can be used to choose the right treatment tactics.