Perihepatitis Serous

Perihepat - “liver inversion”, “serous membrane around the liver”.

Serous perihepatitis is a group of diseases and conditions that manifest as pain in the right hypochondrium and are associated with various pathologies of the pancreas, stomach, diaphragm and other abdominal organs. Patients often perceive such pain as liver pain, mistakenly regarding it as signs of acute or chronic hepatitis. In this case, direct inflammation of the liver cells (hepatocytes) is not observed; it is rather secondary in nature and develops against the background of a more serious cause.

The clinical picture of such perihepatitis depends on the underlying pathology and is most often represented by paroxysmal or constant pain in the right side, as well as general nonspecific symptoms: increased fatigue, headache, nausea and vomiting. As the condition develops, the main symptoms may include jaundice of the skin and sclera, as well as hepatomegaly (increase in liver size).

When seeking medical help, patients with such manifestations are prescribed a series of tests to exclude an inflammatory pattern in the blood and specific markers of viral hepatitis. The results of these studies give the specialist the opportunity to differentiate this type of perihepatitis from hepatitis. If the exact cause is not established, additional examination is carried out - ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder, gastroscopy and other highly specialized methods.

In the treatment of this group of pathologies, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antispasmodics, analgesics, antacids and drugs that improve the functional activity of the liver and gastrointestinal tract are used, however, before starting therapy, a detailed assessment of the patient’s individual condition and clinical and laboratory tests are necessary to determine the appropriateness of each from drugs. Complex therapy may include methods and procedures aimed at reducing the load on the liver, correcting chronic diseases of the abdominal organs and easing muscle tension in the diaphragm. In addition to the main treatment, physiotherapy and exercise therapy can be used.