Periostitis Syphilitic

Syphilitic periostitis is one of the manifestations of syphilis, an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Treponema pallidum. It is an inflammation of the bone tissue and periosteum, which can lead to bone destruction and skeletal deformation.

Syphilitic periostitis can manifest as moderate inflammation or a severe form with the formation of purulent accumulations. It can occur on any bone, but it most commonly affects the long bones of the limbs, ribs, and skull.

Symptoms of syphilitic periostitis include pain and swelling of the bones, their deformation and thickening, superficial proliferation of the periosteum, as well as pain on palpation of the affected area. In severe cases of the disease, fever and general weakness may occur.

Diagnosis of syphilitic periostitis is based on the clinical manifestations of the disease, the result of a blood test for the presence of antibodies to Treponema pallidum, as well as X-ray studies of the affected bones.

Treatment of syphilitic periostitis is based on the use of antibiotics that destroy the bacteria that cause syphilis. In severe cases of the disease, surgery may be required to remove purulent accumulations and restore damaged bones.

In general, syphilitic periostitis is a serious disease that can lead to significant disturbances in the skeletal structure. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor promptly and undergo regular medical examinations to avoid possible complications.