Sand trap

A sand trap is a technical device that is used to purify wastewater from large and heavy impurities. It is part of a complex of treatment facilities and allows you to remove sand, silt and other large particles from wastewater that can pollute the environment and negatively affect water quality.

The sand trap works on the principle of gravitational separation of particles and water. It is a tank with an inclined surface that is filled with water and wastewater. As wastewater moves down an inclined surface, large particles settle at the bottom of the tank, while smaller and lighter particles remain in the water and exit through special holes on the top of the sand trap.

After passing through the sand trap, the treated wastewater can be used for various purposes, such as irrigating fields, watering green spaces, or being discharged into rivers and lakes. However, in order for the sand trap to work effectively, it is necessary to monitor its condition and periodically clean it.

In general, a sand trap is an important element of wastewater treatment plants, which improves the quality of wastewater and prevents environmental pollution.

A sand trap is a technical device that is used to purify wastewater (effluent) from various impurities, including heavy or solid ones. They are special devices that allow you to separate sand, silt and other contaminants from water and then recycle them. Thus, waste does not enter the environment, which has a positive effect on the environmental situation.

Sanding tanks are devices that are used to purify wastewater and remove heavy sediments from it. They consist of a sand filter and a sediment chamber. Water is delivered to the sand trap under pressure using a pump. A special feature of the device is also the use of a special clarifier (suspended layer clarifier). This device is located below next to the part of the structure that is marked “Sand Trap”. Water flows through it into the system for removing heavy particles (filtrate). To improve the degree of their purification, an additional device is installed - a clarifier with a granular layer, where the water is purified more slowly. This eliminates overloading of the settling chambers with sand and protects the installation from particles getting stuck in the system. Unlike settling tanks, a sand trap purifies liquid more efficiently, which is why it is often used in water supply systems for agricultural and industrial enterprises, both in enterprises and in residential buildings. The sand trap is used to separate, remove and clean sand, depending on its mechanical properties and direction of movement at the bottom, from: * natural reservoirs, * industrial wastewater wells, * sewerage systems, etc.