
A phage is a virus that infects bacteria. It is one of the most common viruses on Earth. Bacteria are among the most ancient organisms on Earth, and phages have been evolutionarily related to them for millions of years.

Phages can be dangerous to humans because they can infect and kill bacteria that are found in the human body. However, in most cases, phages do not pose a threat to humans, since most of the bacteria that phages infect are not present in the human body.

Bacteriophages are also used in medicine to treat bacterial infections. They can be used to treat various diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and others.

Phages can also be used as a tool to study bacterial biology. For example, they can be used to study the mechanisms that allow bacteria to defend themselves against phages.

Overall, phages are an important element in biology and medicine, and their use can lead to new discoveries and treatments for various diseases.