Pharyngeal Constrictor Medium

The middle pharyngeal constrictor (musculus constrictor pharyngis medius, pna, bna) is one of the paired muscles of the pharynx. It is located between the pharyngeal constrictor superior and inferior. The middle pharyngeal constrictor starts from the horn and body of the hyoid bone and is attached to the fascia of the neck.

The function of this muscle is to narrow the lumen of the pharynx during swallowing. The medial pharyngeal constrictor, together with other pharyngeal constrictors, forms a muscular ring that pushes food from the pharynx into the esophagus. In addition, this muscle layer is involved in the formation of the walls of the pharynx.

Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor: Anatomical Features and Functions

The middle pharyngeal constrictor (Musculus constrictor pharyngis medius) is one of three layers of muscles that form the walls of the pharynx. Anatomically, it is located between the superior and inferior pharyngeal constrictors and extends from the base of the skull to the middle of the pharynx.

The function of the medial pharyngeal constrictor is to contract the muscle to move food and liquids through the pharynx and into the walls of the esophagus. Together with the superior and inferior pharyngeal constrictors, the middle pharyngeal constrictor is involved in the process of swallowing food and liquids, which begins in the oral cavity.

During swallowing, the pharyngeal constrictor medial contracts and creates pressure on food and liquid, which helps move it down the pharynx and into the walls of the esophagus. In addition, it also plays a role in protecting the respiratory tract by preventing food and liquid from entering the lungs.

The middle pharyngeal constrictor is innervated by the pharyngeal nerve (Nervus pharyngeus), which is a branch of the blockade of the internal carotid artery.

In some cases, the middle pharyngeal constrictor may be damaged during surgical interventions, which can lead to dysfunction of the pharynx and difficulty swallowing. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to take into account the anatomy and function of the medial pharyngeal constrictor in any surgical intervention in the pharynx.

Thus, the pharyngeal constrictor medial is an important part of the anatomy of the pharynx and plays an important role in the swallowing process. Understanding its function and anatomy helps to avoid complications during surgical interventions in the pharynx.